Gigantic Marijuana bust on UCF campus

will normal light bulbs work for growing marijuana?
September 15, 2010
Ready Set Grow (High Times Marijuana Growing) 4/7
September 15, 2010
IrishAustrian1488 asked:

Gigantic Marijuana bust on UCF campus


  1. LetArtsLive says:

    what a waste of tax payers money

  2. mastershake589 says:

    Hey! I live in Polk County. I wish they wouldn’t have busted this ring up. I want some pot right now

  3. joey89wood says:

    thats a lotta hooch!

  4. JeremyATX says:

    wow they found marijuana go focus on some more important shit and harmful shit that actually effects the community, because marijuana doesnt do shit but make you hungry, happy, and sleepy yet they sell alcohol and tobacco products legally that are responsible for millions of deaths in the US pathetic

  5. psychochinchilla393 says:

    ….fuck the police

  6. 1superskunk says:

    Duh its not gunna end u fucking pig.until u leaglize!!!

  7. 19ale86 says:

    i can bet what u want that some “bag” are mysteriously disappeared!!……fukin bastards

  8. crunchie720 says:

    i think ijizzed my pant when i heared 1,200 pounds of pot

  9. MidNightRider2001 says:

    The drug war is a big waste of time.
