GARY 7:drug bust arrest marijuana police drug bust marijuana

is there a marijuana growing kit?
September 5, 2010
Can you use soil from a horse farm to grow marijuana?
September 5, 2010
GaryMarijuanaPotDoll asked:

—-GET HIGH? then click SUBSCRIBE—-for Gary 7 video: gary’s police girl moves in and drug busts gary buying marijuana police style. Arrest a sure gary buys marijuana drug and gets bust – arrest for drugs and possession. Weed pot drugs video bust.


  1. acamogirl says:

    All Americans check out my channel,
    learn of my trip cross Country to gather signatures for the immediate re-legalizaton of Marijuana as it pertains to our Constitutonal Rights, as well as gathering signatures for the immediate release of Marc Emery, as Under the United States Constitiution he has commited no crime. There are no victims. get involved, come see me as I visit a city near you this Spring, Summer, and Fall

  2. kthekid says:

    this is better than mad tv x 2

  3. CERCARIA says:

    Gary! You folded like cheap wallpaper!

  4. wualradioshow says:

    my favor it

  5. qazwsx12369 says:

    Weed rules, hehehe. there’s this song about weed here in youtube entitled KUMARENG JUANA hehehe it sounds really “high”…it’s in Spanish though I think. Addicts!!

  6. ArmedSaint says:

    why to steal indy moguls music

  7. GaryMarijuanaPotDoll says:

    Yeah Green…Bush those big ass choppers..Just kidding know I was just kidding buddy.

  8. ismokegreentrees says:


  9. 123456789weed says:

    fuck this weed is the best

  10. lynnlynn420 says:


  11. Theultimatecritic says:

    It’s funny when Green say, Gary, You owe me $100 Gary.

  12. lunaland420 says:

    ha ha green has lockjaw.

  13. litoxaznboy says:

    gary like you lol

  14. rockondon says:

    fuck gary shes caught you twice now dude?get
    a gal that lets the G man be the G man lol!

  15. RLSH0W says:

    hha this ones pretty entertaining. subscribed. richard leigh dosent subscribe just anyone so feel honored….or dont.

  16. towelie602 says:

    that bitch is snitch! xD

  17. bertilman says:

    how is gary a lier??

  18. Babungus says:

    Shit man better watch out for the doc.

  19. neuroromancer says:

    That’s the best fucking laugh I’ve had since I’ve stopped coughing.

    Out of reefer? Smoke yer ya phlegm ya cheap fuck!

    Seriously, stuff like this will put Reefer Madness out of business. I’m new to this site. I’m glad I saw this. Keep the laughter flowing, Gaaaaaaaareeeee!

  20. sabbathfilms says:

    haha this shit is funny, you should make a movie!

  21. TeamCannabis says:

    She was a real Doll, til the worm turned!

  22. zneella says:

    haha…lol…aah she’ll come round in the weed.5*****

  23. Theultimatecritic says:

    Be more careful and hide your weed and bong.
