Following Sean is a 2005 documentary film directed by Ralph Arlyck, and a follow-up to his 1969 student short “Sean,” which features four-year-old Sean Farrell’s thoughts on marijuana, police presence, and freewheeling lifestyles. The film’s notoriety landed a screening in the White House and a variety of predictions regarding the outcome of Sean’s life – whether he could grow up to embody the hippy philosophy, or whether he would turn out a drug dealer or stock broker.
So Sean didn’t turn out to be a “freeloading junkie” at all.
This film is one of those reminders that life doesn’t come with a manual. Life is just life. It’s whatever you make of it or whatever your luck is like or whatever it is that drives people to make changes in their life when they feel it’s time for some kind of change. That, to me at least, is what normal life is really about. You come and go until you can’t come and go anymore.