911 phone call

Am I right that only stoners support marijuana legalization?
September 27, 2010
what is the best book on how to grow marijuana?
September 28, 2010
morris2112 asked:

a police officer confiscated some pot and decided to take some home. His wife made brownies and they got a little too baked. This is the 911 call the officer made, and needless to say he is now unemployed.


  1. moopig979 says:

    wow thats just so funny…’i think were dead, time is going by realy slowly’
    whats the score in the red wings game’ lol

  2. tsubasahawkeye says:

    Dude, that was a real call. I saw it on TV. The one making the call was an off-duty cop who stole pot from a crime scene.

  3. blackvenomm says:


  4. zamorajennie says:

    lol i think it funny “Tim is going by really really slowly”

  5. nimbobular says:

    prick ..your prank call could of stopped a real life/death call getting through,feckin eediot

  6. winchestersgirl says:

    is that 4 real? it is so immature and dangerous to make fake emerency calls, someone cudda died coz that guy wanted a laugh

  7. kairrie says:

    well this is stupid
