Marijuana Growing

Marijuana Growing

September 19, 2010

In a marijuana plant does the bud grow by itself or do u have to do something to it so it can start growing it

cookoo asked: A real answer that explains how the bud grows not a smatass answer that explains in an intelligent way. (i’m doing a biology experiment […]
September 19, 2010

I thought I found some nice marijuana plants growing?

trudyredhat asked: Iv’e seen plants many times b4, but one of these plants has a nice little yellow flower coming out of it, is this possible?Other […]
September 19, 2010

What is the mandatory minimum sentence for growing marijuana?

CMDS asked: My friend had anywhere between 2-6 plants (I am not sure, just found out he was arrested) and had one prior of possession of […]
September 20, 2010

Does the city of Willits, CA have any ordinance against growing medical marijuana?

curious asked: So I know that some communities in California are attempting to slow down marijuana growth in their towns by creating city ordinances against it. […]
September 20, 2010

What are the chances of 30 year old marijuana seeds growing?

Bret P asked: they were under good conditions let alone is it even possible?
September 20, 2010

How to grow marijuana in this small limited space?

Im on Mars asked: Medical marijuana of course. I’m a law abiding citizen. I can grow 6 mature or 12 immature plants(i don’t know what this […]
September 20, 2010

How to not get caught growing marijuana in your home?

aaron.odonahue asked: Note: 25 male home owner currently in iraq. (Get it? “higher” education? Ok, maybe not that funny, but seriously, how does one not get […]
September 21, 2010

What happens if the cops in Houston Texas tx find one marijuana pot plant growing in your backyard?

b down asked: I don’t live in Houston, just asking. What is the charge? Is it a misdemeanor or felony? How much will it cost you?
September 21, 2010

growing marijuana?

asdhm asked: im planning on growing a few marijuana plants for the first time have u guys got any tips for me?
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