Matrix Ballast, Smart Chip, Remote Control..

I Saved 1 Sour Tomato Plant Now Outside Looking Good
May 13, 2013
Let’s Play – Unepic #19 [PC|Mac]
May 13, 2013

Matrix Ballast, Smart Chip, Remote Control.. In this video Jason covers the new 1000w Matrix Digital Ballast. Jason breaks down the features of this high end ballast a…


  1. Jason Wilcox says:

    Solis Tek ballasts will not try to fire a hot lamp, a signal is sent to the lamp & when the lamp has sufficiently cooled the lamp will fire. The ST Matrix ballast is fitted with a back up battery that will remember grow/bloom schedules for six hours in the case of a power failure.
    If a short blackout occurs, ST Matrix will wait till the lamp has sufficiently cooled before re-starting and the backup battery will continue with programmed grow/bloom schedule.

  2. Jason Wilcox says:

    Final note would be to ask yourself or look it up and you will see an AC unit pulls way more amps than a ballast are you suggesting anyone with a smart chip AC unit is going to be targeted by Hydro?

    We only need wait about another year for LED panels to comes down in price now that some companies have dialed in the PAR range and lumen output.

    Come on my friend we need keep it real….

    Jason Wilcox
    The Cannabis in Canada Society

  3. Jason Wilcox says:

    Yes remember people all ballasts or hot tubs will draw heavy power. Indeed Hydro can detect several ballasts.

    This said “Digital Smart Ballast” use less electricity than old mag ballasts. Moreover, you would need 3 MH Mag ballasts and 3 HPS ballasts to give the versatility this one ballast can do again with less electricity.

    For those of you who grow, know that “digital ballasts” are cooler and cheaper to run. Yes remember about Hydro also remember that Hydro alone does not get a warrant!

  4. blite13 says:

    You are right…one of the reasons why the ‘smart’ meters were put in place ILLEGALLY, was so they could watch all of us and see what we are consuming and if we have an old electricity sucking appliance, they can blow it with the meter. The Gov does not want us able to medicate ourselves. Now that ECS and Cannabinoid feeding it has been confirmed, the Gov is going to try and control it all. There will be heavy penalties to those caught growing their own once they tell us how they will police it.

  5. blite13 says:

    Yes, I say if everyone grows it, then we don’t need the Feds or ‘designated growers’. In my experience with designated growers, they act no different than a corporation or the Gov. Once they have that License in their mitts, they couldn’t careless one ioda about the patient, it’s all about the CASH to them. I try to tell anyone and everyone to GROW, but, people have been so brainwashed, it’s very hard to break their mindset. The Gov still banks on an ignorant society, willfully ignorant.

  6. blite13 says:

    It’s the USA that is “blowing stuff up around the world”. Cannabis is heavy on the minds of Big Pharma, Alcohol Industry, Plastics (Dupont)…they lobby the Fed Gov HEAVY, every year to keep it as a class 1 drug in the USA. They do not want people medicating themselves with a product that blows all their synthetic crap away. They will do ANYTHING to maintain control of our health. USA patent 6630507…they are just waiting for the right time to stick in their ‘new plan’. Very real concerns.

  7. Jason Wilcox says:

    These concerns are better suited in a conspiracy forum not cannabis growing for were in a age of legalization thus the “Reffer Madness” campaign is over and “urban growing” campaign has begun! Look at Washington then look at Colorado and ask yourself which legalized do you wish to be.

    Keeper I am with you on the whole Police State thing but IMO cannabis growers are not of primal concern for the US when people are blowing stuff up all around the world and the US!

  8. Jason Wilcox says:

    300 over 7 years then I am off sick for a year and wow I need explain to you?

  9. jyatzy123 says:

    why even put up video if you never do them like just once a year seems man were ubeeen we have to wait nother year for anyother one?

  10. hank586 says:

    Has the timer ever messed up and does all that xtra tec. use more power whats the amp usages on it compare to a normal e ballast. I would like to try one If all the new tec doesn t fail 

  11. zeropointemcs says:

    cheers jason

  12. Jason Wilcox says:

    LOL legal growing and illegal has nothing to do with fear mongering about HYDRO and COP….

    My TV has a smart chip as with car and GPS they got us all….

    Quick run to the hills Technology is out to get us Big Brother in all their debt has time to go through Hydro Records in search of?

    I watch Alex Jones as well but Dude suggesting the FEDS are watching us by the ballasts and electrical consumption from ballasts alone is simply silly. The amount of electricity from your house is…

  13. blite13 says:

    The Fed Gov in the USA is going to try and over-ride the States that are allowing people to grow. Just like they will for States that are ignoring Federal gun laws. This will come down to a Gov vs the People with more scare tactics used vs the People. The USA Gov is in full corrupt mode, their Laws always filter over into Canada…it’s very unstable at the moment, no matter how many States or Gov’s say they are for reform. Don’t trust them as far as I can throw them.

  14. Jason Wilcox says:

    With 250 grow shows you need address me like that for a free service what up with that man.

    I am terminally ill and have been for 20 years and we get sick from time to time. Did you ever stop to think the person may have had something come up such as I almost died thus was off for a year.

    Thanks for the welcome back…. Oh yes its a free service and your welcome…the ability to change the channel is there.

    If you have ever worked and edited on an HD film for free let alone 300 over

  15. KeeperPeace10 says:

    everyone keep in mind, if ur not legal, any ballast that has smart technology sends info to ur smart meter and thus the electric company will know that ur using that specific ballast, in future everything will be smart tech and if ur using to much power the power company will shut ur dryer or ballast thats wasting to much power, i stay away from anyhthing smart tech, it rats u out,lol peace n love, love the channel, uve been a great help for me the last 3 or 4 years

  16. blite13 says:

    Also, with the ‘Police State’ being implemented right now in the USA, how long would you expect before it crosses the border into Canada? All it would take is 2 or 3 events like the ‘Boston Marathon’ and Canada would be right there with them. That would mean, anyone with guns, drugs, ‘illegal’ medicine etc….would be taken away in a heartbeat. They way things are moving, this is what we have to look forward to. This isn’t a ‘conspiracy theory’, this is REALITY.

  17. dirtybongwater4678 says:

    thank you for the vid

  18. Jason Wilcox says:

    SenseSmart™ Technology – Pre-Ignition System Diagnostic — Solis-Tek ballasts will not ignite without a complete and proper connection.  The ballast conducts a 3 second test of the connection circuit. If the circuit is incomplete ignition will be prevented in order to protect the lamp.

  19. Jason Wilcox says:

    Also the Hydro company will not know exactly which ballast LOL by the time they have that technology that can define several ballasts by electrical consumption we will all be using LED and CFL technology.

    In this era of legalization and stealth growing I like knowing I can use a 400W for seedlings 600w for heavy Veg and 1000w HPS for flower or simply save on cost by using the 400w option on the Matrix rather than a 1000w option.

    So what was the problem when comparing digital to Mag?

  20. Jason Wilcox says:

    If the FEDS try to take over the market and right to self produce the safest plant on earth and most versatile who do you think will win.

    Even if the government take’s growing away and we loose our $250,000 case then I see an underground that if HYDRO is an issue they use the mountains or generators to by-pass such issues.

    For me its about proving “urban growing” safe when done correct just as cooking with Grease the number one fire starter in Canada. Feds stats!

  21. Jason Wilcox says:

    With the good people of Washington and Colorado using their collective voice they removed in one State at least any fear of indoor cultivation. Moreover, one can grow 6 plants any person of age in the State.

    People can fear monger “Urban Growing” in the media but we as growers know that safety and technology is catching up as the FEDS release it to us I. E. the net. This again can be used as a tracking and listening network.

    As far as Gov which one? Canada is attempting to remove growing

  22. KeeperPeace10 says:


  23. Jason Wilcox says:

    Ignition Control™ — Sequential Lamp Ignition Technology – The only ballast(s) that will ignite your lamps sequentially, one at a time, with soft start technology for true efficiency. This revolutionary safety feature prevents surges and spikes in your electrical circuit and prevents breakers from overloading. Whether you are powering up 10 or 100 Solis-Tek Ballasts, the electrical draw is controlled by our internal software for maximizing your electrical efficiency.

    Jason Wilcox

  24. Jason Wilcox says:

    The Coalition I founded with 3000+ members and John W Conroy QC as our lead attorney are looking to stop that proposed phase out of personal growing and fight it under our Constitution the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada.

    The Coalition strongly believe under the Charter one has a right to cultivate what they consume provided they are not hurting anyone or diverting cannabis to market. The US will find policy around “urban growing” post a year of Colorado vs Washington

  25. Jason Wilcox says:

    Not broken down into TV, Computer, Stove, Fridge, Dryer ECT…

    Man I have heard some wild theory’s but HYDRO and Ballast’s Smart Chips working to bust growers is totally funny in thought and made my day in the comic section.

    Did you not hear of the simple way which is to use infrared technology to confirm your lights and heat sources. Heck the polices even have listening devices that can hear you from across the street.

    Indeed technology can be used against us however ballasts are not

  26. Jason Wilcox says:


    Studying Smart Meters for Hydro is no different than GPS or CELL I know they can listen in and track! So again what the hell does that have to do with low amp high end safe ballasts?

    This is about growing not fear mongering about growing. Underground and FEDS have always been back and forth with technology but ballasts are not in the equation.

    I was once told technology will either fix us or destroy us. Being a Comp Tia MS certified Tec I see lots of concerns

  27. Jason Wilcox says:

    BALLAST LIFE TIMER and on board Smart Chip Timer

    -Dedicated 240V Australian model with round earth pin socket.
    -Dimming: 1040W – 1000W – 630W – 600W – 420W – 400W (SolisBoost is 5% overdrive)
    -Soft Start Technology
    -Powers 1000w, 600w, & 400w lamps. Solis Tek Digital Pulse Start Metal Halide & High Pressure Sodium (HPS)
    -SunPulse 4 star rated ballast (highest Rating)
    -Constant Power Factor 99.9%
    -4.375A @ 240V (1000W mode) will safely run 2 x 1000W ballasts from 1 x 10A Power Point
