Grow Room 6k

Dwc marijuana growroom 3
April 27, 2013
Growing Marijuana Indoors _ Outdoors Tips, E-Book Help for Weed Growing 2012
April 27, 2013

Grow Room 6kA look inside our 6k room.


  1. carlson678 says:

    I couldet find a comment button on your home page so ill reply to your post here.
    I think the under current is an incredably wounderful system and if i had the money to drop on it in the begining i would be running ome instead of what i am running in the 12 k room now. on another note. I heard you can not grow in arizona if you live within so many miles of a dispensary? is this true? i really want to moveto arizona butim not sure about the rules and regulations. I have read the az mmj law.

  2. carlson678 says:

    im just hoping i can hear it from someone that grows there on how it works. I know your a busy man so if you could get back to me that would be great. thank you

  3. ArizonaMMJ says:

    thanks man

  4. DrGonzo12676 says:

    Nice setup killing it rise up! Have a dank day

  5. greenghost30 says:

    try going into phone or camera settings and find white balance pick from the different setting my phone looks perfect when i use incandescent setting our flourescent. settin natural setting is for outdoors and is usually the default setting. i saw ur question on spliffs channel

  6. ArizonaMMJ says:

    That is correct, you have to be 25 miles from a Dispensary.

    Our new grow is actually for a Dispensary and we will be growing top fed Flood tables in the same medium we grow in now. Which is basically 50% Coco and 50% perlite. Its pretty much perfect.
