Five Reasons To Legalize Marijuana

Medical marijuana bill OK with Illinois House 4/17/2013
April 18, 2013
Why Are We Thinking The Side Effects Of Marijuana Are Any Worse! Than From Big Pharma Poison!
April 18, 2013

Five Reasons To Legalize MarijuanaMirror of https:// RUN FROM THE CURE – Full Version https:// Cannabis Cures Cancer http…


  1. cindybin2001 says:

    Oh, and now watch–all the pot smokers will read my nice, mature, sincere comments here and give me thumbs down, and cuss me out and threaten me with death and bodily harm, and go to my channel and make fun of me for collecting dolls, and attack my religion, my looks, my sex life, etc. They’ll tell me the same things I’ve heard a billion times, about how I need to “get educated”, and how ignorant and self-righteous I am. Many will send me threatening emails, telling me how they’re going to

  2. cindybin2001 says:

    about your stupid video! I would love to have a transcript of your stupid, immature video. Would you send me one? I’d print the entire thing on my blog, to show how ridiculous you sound. If my husband and friends heard your video, they would laugh and roll their eyes. How old are you? Do you smoke pot? I first discovered you when I saw your comment on a pot video where you had a link to some MEDICAL MARIJUANA video. So are you all about medical marijuana? or do you just want to get high??

  3. cindybin2001 says:

    since we got the Internet and I started speaking up against marijuana. You prove my point about why we need to speak up against pot and why it should be illegal forever. Look at you! instead of being a nice, decent, mature guy and speaking up against drugs, you focus on the LAW rather than the pot smokers, blaming the LAW for the crime and violence and people getting put in jail, etc. And you bring up about how pot is safer than alcohol and cigarettes and hasn’t killed anybody. OH BROTHER! We

  4. moneymanaustin says:

    wow Cindy, off the meds I see lol

  5. cindybin2001 says:

    The whole point is to get people to NOT SMOKE POT!!! If we legalized it and got money from pot, that would mean that people were still smoking pot! that would be TERRIBLE! The whole goal is to NOT SMOKE POT! Can’t you see that?? Oh you are just driving me NUTS!!! Oh I just want to cry! I have ranted against pot for ten years online, writing tons of blogs, thousands of comments, even a BOOK on why we shouldn’t smoke pot or drink alcohol! Haven’t you read anything I’ve written over the years??

  6. cindybin2001 says:

    hear this stuff ALL THE TIME! Don’t you realize that this only makes us all angrier and MORE determined to speak up against marijuana? you prove my point about why we all need to speak up against pot and why it should be illegal forever, with very stiff penalties! GROW UP! You set a terrible example!! And then you talk about if pot were legal how it would help the economy. ARE YOU NUTS? You guys always say this! And it is just terrible that we would GAIN money from pot! That would be HORRIBLE!

  7. cindybin2001 says:

    shouldn’t use cigarettes, but we don’t get high or stoned or tips or drunk on cigarettes like we would from pot or booze! you just don’t get it! you are just like all the others! You say that nobody has died from pot! OH BROTHER! You think the reason we are against pot is because we think it’s all dangerous and addictive and kills people!! YOu are just like all the others! Doesn’t it even OCCUR to you that we are against marijuana because it’s a mind-altering drug?? Pot smokers ADMIT that they

  8. cindybin2001 says:

    And I have addressed everything you are saying in this video COUNTLESS TIMES! You only prove my point about why pot should be illegal forever! I am so upset that now I know that I have to work even HARDER at showing why pot should be illegal! I need to write even MORE blogs, and start making VIDEOS ABOUT THIS!! I have tons of videos planned, and all I have to do is read comments by pot smokers and point to the videos they make, to prove my point. I would love to write a blog and make a video

  9. cindybin2001 says:

    torture and kill me and my family, or they will say other mean, horrible things to me. Just watch. I will be saving all the comments and emails from this board as proof, for when I write my blogs and make my own videos. I hope all the lawmakers and voters watch this video and read the comments. You guys all think you are making valid points but you are only hurting yourselves with everything you say. You just don’t get it! GROW UP! You set a terrible example!!!

  10. cindybin2001 says:

    Oh this makes me so mad! YOu are just like all the others, blaming the LAW rather than the pot smokers for the drug war! If people would just shape up and NOT SMOKE POT, the whole legal issue would be moot! how hard is it to not smoke pot?? Where would one even FIND marijuana?? It’s ILLEGAL! I have never even seen marijuana!! Even if it were legal it doesn’t make it right! And we shouldn’t smoke pot OR use alcohol! How hard is THAT?? And stop trying to compare cigarettes to pot! Of course we

  11. cindybin2001 says:

    use it to get high, stoned, buzzed, relax and unwind, have “fun”, enjoy life, etc. I BELIEVE them when they tell us why they smoke pot and how it affects them! And that is why I am against it! That is what makes it wrong! People like you only make me angrier and MORE determined to speak up against marijuana. I hope it stays illegal forever, with very stiff penalties! You guys are all alike! I have heard the same things you are saying here about 10 million times over the past ten years, ever
