I tried to google the guy to see if he’s really a soldier in real life (I
was curious) and then I found out EVERY SINGLE PICTURE OF HIM ON GOOGLE ARE
honestly i thought the end was cute, and i understand the what he meant by
he just wanted to tell stories of what happened, even if he is just an
actor. im planning on leaving for the airforce in a few months for the
pararescue and they see alot of shit.. the people asking the questions ive
seen first hand happen to these guys coming home and its fucked up. coming
home after that time to see that one person is what makes your visit home
worth it. especially when they are still there for you. ive seen alot of
girls turn away from their man because they cant wait and are slutty little
bitches who cant go without a dick for more the a month.. it sucks for
them.. coming home from seeing all that shit just to come home to noone..
take it into consideration sometime..
If you don’t support the military and troops (especially considering more
than 95% of soldiers have no authority to choose who they fight, they just
do what they are ordered), you shouldn’t be allowed to speak publicly. They
protect your freedom to be ignorant, hateful and unrealistic. For anyone to
call a soldier a murderer, a terrorist or something likewise, you shouldn’t
be an American citizen. It’s a terrible shame a majority of Buzzfeed
videos and subscribers push a radical liberal agenda that is so
My best friend is in ROTC and I’m joining next year, currently she’s
training me. People assume “Oh, ROTC? So you’ve shot a gun before?” My
friend has, yes, they do target practice. However, because of my religion
and beliefs, I refuse to hold a gun. Instead, I would like to be a medic in
the hospital. I want to heal, not harm.
I don’t see how thanking a military man for his service is a bad thing…
soldiers are so under-appreciated. Especially ones who are old and fought
in Vietnam or the Korean war. You see old guys walking around with those
hats that day they’re a veteran of the Vietnam war and stuff. But I doubt
they ever get thanked for their service, and risking their life any more..
once soldiers come home- they are forgotten about. A lot of injured
veterans are forgotten about too.
I love the people who come to videos like this and do nothing but complain
about the content whether it be sexist, or whatever. If you don’t like the
fucking videos that buzzfeed puts out then fucking leave. How hard is that
aspect? Fucking internet trolls. -_-
Only stupid liberals ask these questions…They know nothing about the
military.They know nothing about service.Buzzfeed should stay away from the
military because they know nothing about it.
I found the video pretty spot on, being in that guys place for years and
having to talk to friends and family about what you’ve been through and
seen. Or trying not to talk about any of that stuff and just enjoy the
‘Now’ with everyone at a party. BuzzFeed, was good about pointing out all
the different types of people that you encounter once you return from
service. Not everyone is going to be that way, and this was a dramatic
portrayal somewhat. Still I feel that the message was given that they were
trying to establish, I can say first hand after doing several tours and
still working over seas that this is very similar to what I encounter on
each one of my trips home. All you wanna do is be you and enjoy your time
but can’t because you are being badgered by others that are trying to grasp
the concept of what you have been through. It does take a select few.
In the 11th grade, my American history teacher invited a Vietnam vet to
class. He was kind enough to bring his weapons and even a rocket launcher.
This one asshole asked, “How many people have you killed?”. I literally
said “Are you fucking serious?” Just so they could hear and I really didn’t
care if I got in trouble. That’s the most disrespectful shit to do. After
class, I went and apologized to him. I felt bad that someone could even
have the audacity to do that. Please, never do this to anyone, regardless
of your opinions on war or the people who fight it.
It’s hilarious reading these liberal comments. They have no idea what it
takes to keep this country safe, domestic and foreign. They attacked us
(9/11) so we destroy anyone who was part of that group and supports that
group to prevent future attacks. if you think all the civilians are
innocent, how about you move to the Middle East and see for yourself
I think the point of this vid was to show a soldier who wanted to just
enjoy civilian life on his leave, yet is confronted by a lot of nieve
people who either didn’t care what they said to him or cared too much and
became nervous wrecks. Asking a soldier if he killed someone is so rude!
It’s not an easy decision to take someone’s life and deal with those sort
of combat situations without some sort of psychological trama and they
don’t need that shoved down their throats by inconsiderate civilians who
havn’t walked a mile in their shoes but act like they know all about it.
They’re people too and this vid shows an excellent example of that. :)
Looks like the Americans are pretty awkward when it comes to the Army, but
it seems that they’re soldiers do get a lot of recognition.
Because the Army is mandatory here (Israel) it’s not unusual to see
soldiers everyday, everywhere, it has become mundane and since we are all
obligated to join and everyone has been a soldier at some point (at least
most of us here) we don’t really have this awkwardness or gratitude from
This video and comment section makes me cringe so hard. I’m the daughter
and grand-daughter to soldiers, so whenever I hear people who obviously
have no experience around them ask stupid questions or act this way… it’s
like it disrupts the usually calm “flow” about me. I try my hardest to stay
calm, but who really thinks that it’s okay to ask these things. Who thinks
that it’s okay to throw a surprise party on their first night back home–
or sometimes ever. If you don’t have first-hand experience with something,
don’t claim to know for sure. Moderate your opinions. Being extreme on
subjects like this with 0 experience makes you foolish. And don’t just
parrot the opinions of those around you. Do your own research.
Its really awkward when people say to them “thanks for fighting for our
freedom”… No soldier has died for freedom since WW2.
what they should say is, “Hey, thanks for the oil.”
It’s always funny to see a grown ass drunk man, asking questions like
little kids based on what they saw in video games. Video Games and
Hollywood seem to shape perceptions more than “real education”.
I know this will make Americans wet their pants but in the US, soldiers and
the military in general are seriously over celebrated. They celebrate these
stupid wars that America gets into like Iraq and Vietnam and treat the
soldiers like they saved the world when most of the time they were just
doing a job. A fucking job.
Lol. They go and kill off other people and their families then come back
and enjoy their own families making them feel like heroes killing others.
Messed up.
I don’t care what those damn liberals, conservatives or any political
fanatics think of these men. The very fact that they leave their homes,
family, loved ones, comfort zones, for the sake of serving their
country/government who even at times talk shit about them, screw them badly
in return, is just plain sad & horrible. However, the sacrifices they have
to make on a daily basis is not easy at all.
A soldier does not have a blank check to do what he wants during a war and
is always responsible for what he does. You state your feelings excellently
and it is impossible for those who have never been through a combat
experience to know what you are going through in your thoughts and in the
actions you have to perform during combat. You must live with your
experiences the rest of your life. It’s very hard at times that you should
follow the rules & not your heart. Many people think that you’re bad but
you’re just a person. And like many, at the end you have feelings, you have
a heart, a mind to think, but its your job and you should do what your
asked to do. But many people forget that there is a “person” behind the
job. A man with feelings and heart hoping that the world sees him more than
the uniform.
No, it is not easy being a soldier. They put their lives on risk everyday
so most of us don’t have to. Many of these soldiers are genuinely warm,
kind, friendly, and fun loving. After spending months and years overseas in
harsh climate, environment, hostile societies & crowds, violent locations,
bloodshed fields, these men return home with great hope & joy but scars as
well just for people to treat them like shit in return. They don’t ask much
but the least they could deserve is a little more respect or a mere thank
Please show your thanks and support to your local veterans or current
servicemen for the sacrifices they have made for your freedom today. It
would mean the world for them.
*“Four things support the world: the learnings of the wise, the justice of
the great, the prayers of the good, and the valors of the brave.”*
Lieutenant Colonel Stephen P. Taylor, USMC 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines (Ret.)
Previous experience of 27 years: 1961 – 1989
The worst thing is when you are coming back home, walking down the street
wearing your uniform, and people stop you and thank you for your service.
This is so awkward and embarrassing.
As a US marine, I do enjoy talking about training, and fun memories I have,
but I don’t find it very enjoyable when people ask about the Front lines..
I was there, I lost a buddy on the Front lines. I used to play war games,
but now I don’t. Once you’ve had to live throughout that, it gets very hard
to find enjoyment in that stuff. I get very emotional when people ask how
many I’ve killed… at 1:46 I find that very well most may not agree with
me, but I find it very well disrespectful. I get people don’t know what to
say, but if you don’t have stuff to say, then just ask about personal life
over seas (or in military).
It doesn’t matter what you say , if you killed even one human being in your
life, then im done with you. I will have zero respect for you. All of the
people defending soldiers in the comments are just soulless beasts who
doesn’t value human life.
I don’t appreciate being called a legal murderer. There are things we do to
protect our nation. So sorry if a few bad people have to be killed in the
process. I’m not sorry for killing bad people. I’m sorry for having to
protect handfuls of idiots like some of you people.
Not all of us are completely proud of our time in the service, but hey, at
least we have a volunteer based enlistment instead of a 2-4 compulsory
service like MOST OTHER COUNTRIES DO, so yeah. Have fun sitting there
casting judgement from your computer chairs. We joined so you don’t have
to. Appreciate THAT at least.
and in reality soldiers are actually nervous wrecks. Suffering from shell
shock, or PDST. Living with the memories of murdering innocent civilians
tends to do that to you. This is true because the US armies number 1 killer
is…… suicide. Who commits suicide? People who have regrets, doubt
themselves, and who are forced to do things no human wants to do. When the
people refuse to go to war the world will know peace. No thank you for your
service. I prefer my tax money to help people, not murder people.
All the people on here talking about how soldiers are just legal murders
and shit have no fucking clue what the hell they’re talking about. I’m
going to give u a little lesson about human nature. wars are about 2 things
and only 2 things, ideology and resources with resources being the first.
when u light up ur stove to make some food where do u think that comes
from? when u plug in ur iPhone and the computer ur typing on right now into
the wall socket where do u think the electricity comes from? do u think its
magic? no it came from an oil field in Iraq or a gas field in Kuwait or
some shithole country. this country is not energy independent and do u know
what would happen if the lights turned off???? all of u ungrateful assholes
will starve to death thats what will happen. id like to u see u talk the
same shit when ur car runs our of gas and u can’t put more cuz we no longer
control the resources.
its all fun and games until ur iPhone battery runs out.
I went into a public-‘ouse to get a pint o’ beer,
The publican ‘e up an’ sez, “We serve no red-coats here.”
The girls be’ind the bar they laughed an’ giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an’ to myself sez I:
O it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, go away”;
But it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play.
I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but ‘adn’t none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-‘alls,
But when it comes to fightin’, Lord! they’ll shove me in the stalls!
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, wait outside”;
But it’s “Special train for Atkins” when the trooper’s on the tide,
The troopship’s on the tide, my boys, the troopship’s on the tide,
O it’s “Special train for Atkins” when the trooper’s on the tide.
Yes, makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an’ they’re starvation cheap;
An’ hustlin’ drunken soldiers when they’re goin’ large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin’ in full kit.
Then it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, ‘ow’s yer soul?”
But it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll.
We aren’t no thin red ‘eroes, nor we aren’t no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An’ if sometimes our conduck isn’t all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don’t grow into plaster saints;
While it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, fall be’ind”,
But it’s “Please to walk in front, sir”, when there’s trouble in the
There’s trouble in the wind, my boys, there’s trouble in the wind,
O it’s “Please to walk in front, sir”, when there’s trouble in the wind.
You talk o’ better food for us, an’ schools, an’ fires, an’ all:
We’ll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don’t mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow’s Uniform is not the soldier-man’s disgrace.
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Chuck him out, the brute!”
But it’s “Saviour of ‘is country” when the guns begin to shoot;
An’ it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ anything you please;
An’ Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool — you bet that Tommy sees!
Some people are such douches. They are missing the whole point of the
video. Yes, soldiers kill people. Why? To prevent someone killing them.
Yes, some soldiers are trigger happy, but that is a rare minority. Soldiers
are soldiers because they want to protect the innocent. They want to keep
people safe. I am not a soldier, but I do know that asking a soldier if
they have killed people or how many they have killed is fucked up. They
don’t want to talk about the fact that they had to kill someone. Why?
Because they don’t fucking enjoy it. War is not a video game. War is war.
War is real. While I hate the fact that wars happen, I will respect the
people who are brave enough to risk their lives to go and fight for what
they believe to be right.
I tried to google the guy to see if he’s really a soldier in real life (I
was curious) and then I found out EVERY SINGLE PICTURE OF HIM ON GOOGLE ARE
Bad acting other than that buzzfeed guy from the grocery shopping stoned
hes always gonna b on point
Awkward? More like inappropriate and disrespectful!
We should just treat our soldiers like normal people. I’m supposed no one
asked if he ever trickshoted someone lol.
honestly i thought the end was cute, and i understand the what he meant by
he just wanted to tell stories of what happened, even if he is just an
actor. im planning on leaving for the airforce in a few months for the
pararescue and they see alot of shit.. the people asking the questions ive
seen first hand happen to these guys coming home and its fucked up. coming
home after that time to see that one person is what makes your visit home
worth it. especially when they are still there for you. ive seen alot of
girls turn away from their man because they cant wait and are slutty little
bitches who cant go without a dick for more the a month.. it sucks for
them.. coming home from seeing all that shit just to come home to noone..
take it into consideration sometime..
Ask him how many civilians he’s killed
wait are they brotther and sister friends or are they fucking i don get it
If you don’t support the military and troops (especially considering more
than 95% of soldiers have no authority to choose who they fight, they just
do what they are ordered), you shouldn’t be allowed to speak publicly. They
protect your freedom to be ignorant, hateful and unrealistic. For anyone to
call a soldier a murderer, a terrorist or something likewise, you shouldn’t
be an American citizen. It’s a terrible shame a majority of Buzzfeed
videos and subscribers push a radical liberal agenda that is so
My best friend is in ROTC and I’m joining next year, currently she’s
training me. People assume “Oh, ROTC? So you’ve shot a gun before?” My
friend has, yes, they do target practice. However, because of my religion
and beliefs, I refuse to hold a gun. Instead, I would like to be a medic in
the hospital. I want to heal, not harm.
I don’t see how thanking a military man for his service is a bad thing…
soldiers are so under-appreciated. Especially ones who are old and fought
in Vietnam or the Korean war. You see old guys walking around with those
hats that day they’re a veteran of the Vietnam war and stuff. But I doubt
they ever get thanked for their service, and risking their life any more..
once soldiers come home- they are forgotten about. A lot of injured
veterans are forgotten about too.
I love the people who come to videos like this and do nothing but complain
about the content whether it be sexist, or whatever. If you don’t like the
fucking videos that buzzfeed puts out then fucking leave. How hard is that
aspect? Fucking internet trolls. -_-
Only stupid liberals ask these questions…They know nothing about the
military.They know nothing about service.Buzzfeed should stay away from the
military because they know nothing about it.
Wow wat a dumb bimbo why wud she make him a party when all he wanted to do
was to chill w her
I found the video pretty spot on, being in that guys place for years and
having to talk to friends and family about what you’ve been through and
seen. Or trying not to talk about any of that stuff and just enjoy the
‘Now’ with everyone at a party. BuzzFeed, was good about pointing out all
the different types of people that you encounter once you return from
service. Not everyone is going to be that way, and this was a dramatic
portrayal somewhat. Still I feel that the message was given that they were
trying to establish, I can say first hand after doing several tours and
still working over seas that this is very similar to what I encounter on
each one of my trips home. All you wanna do is be you and enjoy your time
but can’t because you are being badgered by others that are trying to grasp
the concept of what you have been through. It does take a select few.
its good to see that not everyone has been affected by propaganda and think
the u.s are the good guys, no that was not sarcasm.
In the 11th grade, my American history teacher invited a Vietnam vet to
class. He was kind enough to bring his weapons and even a rocket launcher.
This one asshole asked, “How many people have you killed?”. I literally
said “Are you fucking serious?” Just so they could hear and I really didn’t
care if I got in trouble. That’s the most disrespectful shit to do. After
class, I went and apologized to him. I felt bad that someone could even
have the audacity to do that. Please, never do this to anyone, regardless
of your opinions on war or the people who fight it.
It’s hilarious reading these liberal comments. They have no idea what it
takes to keep this country safe, domestic and foreign. They attacked us
(9/11) so we destroy anyone who was part of that group and supports that
group to prevent future attacks. if you think all the civilians are
innocent, how about you move to the Middle East and see for yourself
I think the point of this vid was to show a soldier who wanted to just
enjoy civilian life on his leave, yet is confronted by a lot of nieve
people who either didn’t care what they said to him or cared too much and
became nervous wrecks. Asking a soldier if he killed someone is so rude!
It’s not an easy decision to take someone’s life and deal with those sort
of combat situations without some sort of psychological trama and they
don’t need that shoved down their throats by inconsiderate civilians who
havn’t walked a mile in their shoes but act like they know all about it.
They’re people too and this vid shows an excellent example of that. :)
Seriously ^^ I just love that ending. They look so happy. Even after what
happened they were still able to smile and laugh. (^ v ^)
Sooooo accurate.
Looks like the Americans are pretty awkward when it comes to the Army, but
it seems that they’re soldiers do get a lot of recognition.
Because the Army is mandatory here (Israel) it’s not unusual to see
soldiers everyday, everywhere, it has become mundane and since we are all
obligated to join and everyone has been a soldier at some point (at least
most of us here) we don’t really have this awkwardness or gratitude from
honestly the united states its a little too crazy about the military, and
most people don’t even notice how much of that kool aid they are drinking
This video and comment section makes me cringe so hard. I’m the daughter
and grand-daughter to soldiers, so whenever I hear people who obviously
have no experience around them ask stupid questions or act this way… it’s
like it disrupts the usually calm “flow” about me. I try my hardest to stay
calm, but who really thinks that it’s okay to ask these things. Who thinks
that it’s okay to throw a surprise party on their first night back home–
or sometimes ever. If you don’t have first-hand experience with something,
don’t claim to know for sure. Moderate your opinions. Being extreme on
subjects like this with 0 experience makes you foolish. And don’t just
parrot the opinions of those around you. Do your own research.
Thank you for your time, I guess.
wtf is a pop tart
Its really awkward when people say to them “thanks for fighting for our
freedom”… No soldier has died for freedom since WW2.
what they should say is, “Hey, thanks for the oil.”
It’s always funny to see a grown ass drunk man, asking questions like
little kids based on what they saw in video games. Video Games and
Hollywood seem to shape perceptions more than “real education”.
I know this will make Americans wet their pants but in the US, soldiers and
the military in general are seriously over celebrated. They celebrate these
stupid wars that America gets into like Iraq and Vietnam and treat the
soldiers like they saved the world when most of the time they were just
doing a job. A fucking job.
“whats your real life KDR” well obviously he’s alive soooo… its probably
at least 1 or higher, so there you go
Lol. They go and kill off other people and their families then come back
and enjoy their own families making them feel like heroes killing others.
Messed up.
Thumbnail show USA flag. You know America is not only one country in
the world. Big head country.
You know what bothered me the most about this video?
The guys fucked up uniform.
That’s great, congratulating American soldiers for killing innocent
Why the hell is he married to a asian?
A soldier is just a legal murderer.
I don’t care what those damn liberals, conservatives or any political
fanatics think of these men. The very fact that they leave their homes,
family, loved ones, comfort zones, for the sake of serving their
country/government who even at times talk shit about them, screw them badly
in return, is just plain sad & horrible. However, the sacrifices they have
to make on a daily basis is not easy at all.
A soldier does not have a blank check to do what he wants during a war and
is always responsible for what he does. You state your feelings excellently
and it is impossible for those who have never been through a combat
experience to know what you are going through in your thoughts and in the
actions you have to perform during combat. You must live with your
experiences the rest of your life. It’s very hard at times that you should
follow the rules & not your heart. Many people think that you’re bad but
you’re just a person. And like many, at the end you have feelings, you have
a heart, a mind to think, but its your job and you should do what your
asked to do. But many people forget that there is a “person” behind the
job. A man with feelings and heart hoping that the world sees him more than
the uniform.
No, it is not easy being a soldier. They put their lives on risk everyday
so most of us don’t have to. Many of these soldiers are genuinely warm,
kind, friendly, and fun loving. After spending months and years overseas in
harsh climate, environment, hostile societies & crowds, violent locations,
bloodshed fields, these men return home with great hope & joy but scars as
well just for people to treat them like shit in return. They don’t ask much
but the least they could deserve is a little more respect or a mere thank
Please show your thanks and support to your local veterans or current
servicemen for the sacrifices they have made for your freedom today. It
would mean the world for them.
*“Four things support the world: the learnings of the wise, the justice of
the great, the prayers of the good, and the valors of the brave.”*
Lieutenant Colonel Stephen P. Taylor, USMC 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines (Ret.)
Previous experience of 27 years: 1961 – 1989
The worst thing is when you are coming back home, walking down the street
wearing your uniform, and people stop you and thank you for your service.
This is so awkward and embarrassing.
while everyone here debates over their political beliefs may I just say
this guy is fucking hot
As a US marine, I do enjoy talking about training, and fun memories I have,
but I don’t find it very enjoyable when people ask about the Front lines..
I was there, I lost a buddy on the Front lines. I used to play war games,
but now I don’t. Once you’ve had to live throughout that, it gets very hard
to find enjoyment in that stuff. I get very emotional when people ask how
many I’ve killed… at 1:46 I find that very well most may not agree with
me, but I find it very well disrespectful. I get people don’t know what to
say, but if you don’t have stuff to say, then just ask about personal life
over seas (or in military).
It doesn’t matter what you say , if you killed even one human being in your
life, then im done with you. I will have zero respect for you. All of the
people defending soldiers in the comments are just soulless beasts who
doesn’t value human life.
I don’t appreciate being called a legal murderer. There are things we do to
protect our nation. So sorry if a few bad people have to be killed in the
process. I’m not sorry for killing bad people. I’m sorry for having to
protect handfuls of idiots like some of you people.
Not all of us are completely proud of our time in the service, but hey, at
least we have a volunteer based enlistment instead of a 2-4 compulsory
service like MOST OTHER COUNTRIES DO, so yeah. Have fun sitting there
casting judgement from your computer chairs. We joined so you don’t have
to. Appreciate THAT at least.
and in reality soldiers are actually nervous wrecks. Suffering from shell
shock, or PDST. Living with the memories of murdering innocent civilians
tends to do that to you. This is true because the US armies number 1 killer
is…… suicide. Who commits suicide? People who have regrets, doubt
themselves, and who are forced to do things no human wants to do. When the
people refuse to go to war the world will know peace. No thank you for your
service. I prefer my tax money to help people, not murder people.
Where is, “hey dumbass! You invaded the wrong country and killed their
Why can’t the world just be at peace like it did back in the caveman era??
All the people on here talking about how soldiers are just legal murders
and shit have no fucking clue what the hell they’re talking about. I’m
going to give u a little lesson about human nature. wars are about 2 things
and only 2 things, ideology and resources with resources being the first.
when u light up ur stove to make some food where do u think that comes
from? when u plug in ur iPhone and the computer ur typing on right now into
the wall socket where do u think the electricity comes from? do u think its
magic? no it came from an oil field in Iraq or a gas field in Kuwait or
some shithole country. this country is not energy independent and do u know
what would happen if the lights turned off???? all of u ungrateful assholes
will starve to death thats what will happen. id like to u see u talk the
same shit when ur car runs our of gas and u can’t put more cuz we no longer
control the resources.
its all fun and games until ur iPhone battery runs out.
Dear comments, can you calm down? Can we just enjoy cuteness, followed by
an awkward party, followed by more cuteness? Srsly this was really cute lol
I went into a public-‘ouse to get a pint o’ beer,
The publican ‘e up an’ sez, “We serve no red-coats here.”
The girls be’ind the bar they laughed an’ giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an’ to myself sez I:
O it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, go away”;
But it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it’s “Thank you, Mister Atkins”, when the band begins to play.
I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but ‘adn’t none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-‘alls,
But when it comes to fightin’, Lord! they’ll shove me in the stalls!
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, wait outside”;
But it’s “Special train for Atkins” when the trooper’s on the tide,
The troopship’s on the tide, my boys, the troopship’s on the tide,
O it’s “Special train for Atkins” when the trooper’s on the tide.
Yes, makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an’ they’re starvation cheap;
An’ hustlin’ drunken soldiers when they’re goin’ large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin’ in full kit.
Then it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, ‘ow’s yer soul?”
But it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it’s “Thin red line of ‘eroes” when the drums begin to roll.
We aren’t no thin red ‘eroes, nor we aren’t no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An’ if sometimes our conduck isn’t all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don’t grow into plaster saints;
While it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, fall be’ind”,
But it’s “Please to walk in front, sir”, when there’s trouble in the
There’s trouble in the wind, my boys, there’s trouble in the wind,
O it’s “Please to walk in front, sir”, when there’s trouble in the wind.
You talk o’ better food for us, an’ schools, an’ fires, an’ all:
We’ll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don’t mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow’s Uniform is not the soldier-man’s disgrace.
For it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Chuck him out, the brute!”
But it’s “Saviour of ‘is country” when the guns begin to shoot;
An’ it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ anything you please;
An’ Tommy ain’t a bloomin’ fool — you bet that Tommy sees!
-Rudyard Kipling “Tommy”
YAAASSS!!!! Do watch AHS!!!
Yeah the people are stupid but the soldier is even dumber . Killing people
is never right
Some people are such douches. They are missing the whole point of the
video. Yes, soldiers kill people. Why? To prevent someone killing them.
Yes, some soldiers are trigger happy, but that is a rare minority. Soldiers
are soldiers because they want to protect the innocent. They want to keep
people safe. I am not a soldier, but I do know that asking a soldier if
they have killed people or how many they have killed is fucked up. They
don’t want to talk about the fact that they had to kill someone. Why?
Because they don’t fucking enjoy it. War is not a video game. War is war.
War is real. While I hate the fact that wars happen, I will respect the
people who are brave enough to risk their lives to go and fight for what
they believe to be right.