Deisha Magic Stevens SEIZURE STORY 2015

عصابات Documenting Most Violent Crimes
February 8, 2015
Should Marijuana(WEED) Be Legalized In India? Awkwardness Unlimited
February 8, 2015


  1. Michelle Lish says:

    A beautiful video, so happy to see your daughter well, the LAWS need to be
    changed so everyone can use it for medicinal purposes!!

  2. Kirsty Mack says:

    Grab a tissue (a boxfull), and send this video to your local MP. This
    amazing, adorable little girl and so many others like her who are still
    suffering NEED legal access to cannabis oil. RIGHT NOW!

    ‪#‎legalizecannabis‬ ‪#‎cannabisismedicine‬

  3. Judy Williams says:

    So amazing to see Deisha so well and bright and energetic and vocal!! It
    was such a pleasure mixed with sadness yesterday to see both of you and
    this video.
    For me it’s sadness that Deisha and your family had to suffer so and for
    all the children and families still suffering.
    The movement is definitely on and things will change. I totally believe in
    People Power.
