UNTY MILES – Jan 11, 2015

January 13, 2015
РОЗЫГРЫШ Доставка для мафии / Mafia Delivery Prank! Helicopter!!
January 13, 2015

we have the weirdest group of friends, and i wouldn’t have it any other way. same day previous three years: 2012 – I LOVE EVERYTHING 2013 – HARRY POTTER …


  1. shep689 says:

    warning: most of today’s vlog is us and our friends acting stupid and
    telling dirty jokes.

  2. Mijochda says:

    Uhm, I obviously can’t speak for Will, but was anyone else like: “Holy
    Shit, someone made that bracelet just for Will, can’t believe miles found
    it.” Like what?!

  3. makeup momma says:

    I really enjoy seeing you guys being silly and laughing :)

  4. MrAomineDaiki says:

    I totally watched this and laughed XD idc rather have this funny vlog then
    you pretending for us “kid” subscribers!

  5. Zack Heaton says:

    *Insert moderator saying* “Keep Chat Appropriate!”

  6. Alex Di says:

    Hmm even a bit intoxicated RJ can vlogg. Skills of a veteran youtuber <3

  7. Chinue Isaacs says:

    It’s always a good time when Miles is in the vlogs! :)

  8. Foxxyness says:

    Why do people assume children are innocent? Children are dirty minded, and
    sneaky. When I was 12 I was just as dirty, and sneaky. Around friends I
    would say all the dirty jokes. Around my parents I was innocent, and
    clueless… Like pls… Stop letting children fool you into the whole
    “innocent” thing. xD

  9. Andysimon_ says:

    Does anybody know where the bracelet Will got was from? 

  10. Serafini Gaunt says:

    I love this joke – What’s the difference between a dirty bus station and a
    lobster with breast implants?
    One’s a crusty bus station, the other’s a busty crustacean.

  11. jdfalk10 says:

    I can’t tell you how happy it makes me when I see your guys’ videos in my
    subscription list. It makes my day 100x better! Love you guys!! :)

  12. stillsoundlyawake says:

    I may be biased but this is the best vlog ever

  13. TheViolentMuffin says:

    An illuminati bracelet (triangles!) 😀 

  14. a May Zing says:

    I’ve gotten to the point when every time they kiss cameras I make a kissing
    noise too… :/

  15. ManicBoii39 says:

    OMG I have that same bracelet but in brown. Careful, the owls can break
    easily =[

  16. Kristinna Svendsen says:

    Remids me of that scene in Sister Act 2, where she talks about ‘Letters To
    A Young Poet’, where he says: “”Don’t ask me about being a writer. lf when
    you wake up in the morning you can think of nothing but writing…then
    you’re a writer.” :D

  17. hannahsings says:

    I got here 28 seconds after it was posted. I call that an achievement. 

  18. Larry Barthel says:

    So much for PG-13… 😉

    (good to see you guys can let loose) :)

  19. Star Dragon says:

    I can’t speak for all of your viewers who are parents but I can tell you
    that my kids do sometimes watch your vlogs but I NEVER let them watch
    before I have previewed it. I don’t want you guys to feel like you need to
    censor your videos or stop being yourselves just because you are worried
    about corrupting some kid who might be watching. That’s not your job.
    Parents have a responsibility to decide what is appropriate viewing for
    their kids. 

  20. Jonathan Michael Acha says:

    Is that the weave RJ stole from Miles in Bad Gays Club?

  21. edwin parra says:

    I think will is shape shifting into a rapper. 

  22. icedragonbreath says:

    There is something about Miles’ and Suzy’s hair.

  23. palacpac09 says:

    Four player LP of Super Mario 3D World, maybe? :3

  24. Devin Caranza says:

    Shmontey Miles XD

  25. James McGeorge says:

    Suzy was giving me the fifth witch in “The Craft”. Way to rock the look
    (better then most of Golden Globe nominees and presenters) and be best
    supporting female in a comedy.

  26. David Turner says:

    The camera is probably fine guys. It was just focused on Will close up,
    almost macro and then suddenly moved out from lowlight to brighter light.
    Just takes the camera a while to adjust. Naturally some cameras are quicker
    than others. Well that’s the boring technical explanation over with lol.

  27. macNC40 says:

    pero like.. WHY ARE WE SERR KEWL?! lol.


  28. Tammy E. says:

    Well thought out gift from Miles, Harry Potter Bracelet even has deathly
    hallows symbol! Great Vlog today guys. 

  29. Tori Leigh says:

    When they started to talk about what to call Miles did anyone else remember
    on the animated Caspar the friendly ghost that they called in the
    aunt/uncle Ankle?? 

  30. djlannon09 says:

    I want to see Susy make the video XD 

  31. TheCopper547 says:

    Please don’t censor yourself for the vlogs, they’re way better like this 

  32. lakv126 says:

    +macNC40 I’m tired of spotting you in people’s vlog’s like the YouTuber’s
    version of Where’s Waldo. I want to see you post a video on your own
    channel before my birthday. That gives you until the 26th so you better
    start cracking.

  33. Tyler Fountain says:

    To bad skylar didnt get to play 3D mario 

  34. Eduardo Campos says:

    Wow Miles’ gift was everything, I love that bracelet!!! 

  35. Tokyo Love says:

    I want an RJ, where can i get one like him?

  36. tominoli says:

    When Nick said to Warden, “Here Warden, you play”, I was waiting for the
    subtitles of what Warden was saying to pop up, like Nick puts in his vlogs.

  37. elkataify says:

    From the bottom of my heart thank you for this! I was smiling through the
    whole vlog! It is so good to see you happy and having fun! Suzy is so
    beautiful but this make up girl you rock!!!!

    Please can we just talk about RJ’s blazing eyes… Good God have mercy on our
    souls so much passion WOW I am not at all surprised that the camera went
    fuzzy at the end. I mean you can only stare into the sun for so long! Love
    you guys thanks for making my days better Unicornhugs <3

  38. QueenOf NC says:

    Is it bad that I’m kind of happy they stopped putting emojis in the

  39. hkdaisy101 says:

    Will biting his lip at 10:13 *swoons*

  40. Rafi Jayakusuma says:

    I can watch Dobby chasing that pointer all day! XD

  41. Gabriel Martins says:

    this is what happens when you have allot of gay people in the same room.

    People have fun and say dirty stuff. i love it.

  42. Itzel Rdz says:

    Where’s RJ’s mom accent?

  43. Sara Meow says:

    When You Come To FL , Can You Do A Meet & Greet Because I Cant Afford To Go
    To Playlist Live ): . I Wanna Met You Guys So Bad <3

  44. Daniel Nava says:

    This vlog was so hilarious and had so many of my favorite people. Sad that
    Ken wasn’t there, but I know he is working hard in his career 🙂

    P.S. At VidCon I am going to get a picture with Unty Miles!!!

  45. Fazz says:


    1. The vlog starts in the office, where Will, RJ and momma Aguiar are
    talking. Will again thinks that the hood makes him a rapper, but confuses
    rap with Jock Jam, which he hums. Moma Aguiar doesn’t know wtf the guys are
    talking about. haha
    The guys announce that they will be making it to Florida, and will go to
    PLAYLIST, so for those going there, that’s awesome news. The guys have the
    flight booked, and only need to find a hotel to stay in, while they’re
    RJ’s mom is extremely happy that the guys are going to be coming home to
    Florida, because they haven’t been there in more than a year, according to
    her. Will & RJ very strongly disagree, and say that it was in March last
    year, when they went to Playlist. Moma Aguiar states, that it at least
    feels like a year, since they were there.
    The guys promise Moma A. that they will spend so much time together when
    they get there that they’ll get tired of each other; something that Momma
    S. doesn’t believe will ever happen, to which RJ only says “Just you wait”.
    2. Cut to later that day. The guys are in the car, on Hollywood and
    Highland. The guys are on their way to a friend’s place, to watch the
    Golden Globes, which are really near where they are with the car.
    3. The guys arrive at the Nick’s place and are surrounded by fabulous
    people. Nick, Suzy & Miles. Miles teasingly comments that 2015 will be the
    year that Suzy is going to post videos on Youtube, but that it will only be
    one this year. Suzy just giggles.
    4. Then we jump ahead a little. “Uncle/Aunty” Miles is petting Warden, and
    everyone is loving the little fellow. Miles comments that he could be an
    aunty as well, after which RJ nervously tries to explain that there is no
    gender neutral term for a lot of family terminology. Miles comes up with a
    new name, to fix this. He’s now a “Shmauntay”, a name that went over
    everyone’s heads. And soon, Miles’ too. He’s not quite sure where the S
    came from. LOL
    RJ wants to write a petition to make Shmauntay the new official unisex term
    for Uncle/Aunt. The gang found that utterly hilarious. After some
    discussion, the gang find a name that they can agree on; “UNTY”, ergo the
    name of the video. (Mystery solved! LOL)
    Then the guys get some chocolate ice-creams on a stick called “Magnum”.
    They’re confused as to why someone would give an ice-cream the same name
    one would use for large condoms, and why the ice cream is wrapped in a
    golden plastic bag, like the condoms. Nick comments that, at least you can
    put these Magnums in your mouth, to which Miles says “I mean, you can put
    the other ones in your mouth”. (Magnum ice-cream of the same kind the guys
    ate, really brings me back to much teens years, when we used to eat those,
    RJ comments that when you have the other Magnums, it’s like you’re singing
    “I’ve got a golden ticket!”, and then he looks into the camera and says “I
    don’t mean to brag”….. (I mean, seriously? Like we don’t have enough gay
    guys and straight girls, already speculating about your Magnum. No they’re
    gonna go mad. hahahahahaha)
    Miles then jokes that there could be a condom inside the Magnum ice cream
    package. He goes on to speculate that one could put the condom on the ice
    cream before sucking it. RJ interjects with his theory that it could
    protect one from calories. (There’s a Nobel Prize in these guys’ future.
    5. Cut to later that night, and the gang is still hanging out. Miles talks
    about wanting to move to the big city because that’s where the adventure
    is, but he needs more money, to do that. Nick is sitting next to Miles
    playing a mobile game. Miles grabs Warden’s paw and presses the mobile
    phone screen, to make it seem like Warden is playing. Meanwhile, Warden
    lays there like a dead fish, looking utterly bored. (hahaha)
    6. We again cut to slightly later, and Krishna has arrived. He’s sitting
    next to the TV greeting the crowd with some type of open legged greeting.
    Since all cameras in the room are aimed at Krishna, RJ says that it’s a
    Vlag Bukkakke, or Vlogkakke, and Krishna is in the middle. (Hahahahaha,
    Krishna comments that this happens to him all the time, it’s not anything
    new to him. Miles then adds, “How do you think he got his illustrious (I
    think he meant “lustrous” skin?”. (hahaha)
    Rj almost falls over from laughing, as one can clearly hear. (Even if one
    has a slight hearing problem)
    Krishna finally says “yeah it’s from all the semen” …. (I think we all
    got that, hahaahahaha)
    Krishna, in fact has an idea. He will start making small packets of semen,
    that he will make purchasable, and further info will be available on his
    Youtube channel, Krishna The Kumar …. Nick then exclaims from the other
    side of the room, “Krishna the Cummer”.
    Meanwhile, Will has his hoodie on and is standing in the middle of the
    room, swaying, clapping and slowly dancing…. (For some reason, hahaha)
    But he looks bad ass (*giggles*)
    Miles then gives Will a card, where it says “Happy Birthday Daddy” , the
    same card that Nick gave Will on his Birthday. The guys then start
    referring to Will as “Daddy”, and RJ starts caressing Will’s Hoodie Sweat
    shirt, on the chest, saying “Hey Daddy, you wanna go home, some,
    little…..” Will quickly adds “Yeah, let’s fuck these people”, and at that
    point everyone is in stitches, laughing.
    Miles also bought Will a gorgeous leather bracelet, with owls and a
    triangle on it. Will loved the gift, he immediately put it on.
    7. The guys arrive home, and puppy is there, happy to see them. Will opens
    his birthday present from his mom, “Supermario 3D World”. Then Rj plays a
    little with the puppy, and a laser pointer.
    8. We finally end the night in bed with the guys, snuggled up. Will hums
    for a bit, then he repeats yesterday’s big joke “You’ve got this Travis,
    wait for it….Boom”. Then the guys say Good night, and the day comes to an
    end. (Sweet dreams guys)

  46. garysdeskcom says:

    I hope this is encouragement for you Will. When I was working with a prof
    on a major paper I had to write, he said, “50 pages of garbage is better
    than 0 pages that are good.” Valid point. 🙂 Happy writing Will. :D

  47. achraf says:

    you shouldn’t ask wtf is wrong with your camera. he’s been working for you
    all day he was just becoming sleepy like anthing would. rj, will i expected
    more compassion from you guys

  48. FieldsofTrenzalore says:

    TARDIS COUCH!!!! 6:57

  49. Adam Chaplin says:

    almost forgot how cute RJ is when he shaves his face off :)
