Tea Party Holds Debate On Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation

PTSD Federal Marijuana Research Dr. Sisley Exclusive
October 28, 2014
Outdoor Medical Marijuana Finally
October 29, 2014

Matthew Meyers and Rick Arons debate Tom Bosenko, Betty Cunningham and Cathy Grindstaff on land rights issues. The Q&A was cut short because of camera problems. A higher quality version and…


  1. josh hancock says:

    I ha sheriffs come to my property, force their way through my gate while I
    told them “I do not consent, you need a warrant” only to have them rush
    past me yelling “we don’t need no f…ing warrant” shasta county sheriffs,
    late November. Totally illegal and very common practice here.

  2. LostLibertiesFilms says: