Best Mushroom Spores to Break Down Wood Chips & More Gardening Q&A

La Verdad Sobre La Marihuana
July 14, 2014
Altis Life – Part 6 – The Setup…
July 14, 2014

Best Mushroom Spores to Break Down Wood Chips & More Gardening Q&AJohn from answers your organic gardening questions. Help John to close caption his videos and get your questions answered with the links below:


  1. Dave Westerman says:

    Thank you John for specifically identifying the spores that the steward of
    the property up in Oregon/ Washington used to break down the wood chips. I
    have been meaning to ask that question since you aired that “gianormous”
    kale video. I, myself, use many methods that you use or have recommended
    and I am grateful and appreciative of you, your time, dedication and
    overall efforts in sustainable gardening. If you ever get to Tallahassee,
    Florida area look me up and I will put you up overnight and offer you a
    great organic dinner to give you something back for the help and knowledge
    you have shared with the You Tube community. Peace and Respect Bro :)

  2. Richard Padilla says:

    you look so young here and v handsome =]

  3. Prepper Nurse says:

    Your messages around optimal health & resilience are bang on! The quality
    of your food contributes so much to both. Thank you for your video :)

  4. Joshua Jachimczyk says:

    Have you ever thought about raising backyard chickens? 

  5. TheFlygirl7221 says:

    John you look so handsome today. The shirt reflect great on you.

  6. Kenne Vasti says:

    Thanks for the videos.

  7. aaronCapricorn says:
  8. Candy Rayne says:


  9. Dustin Brookens says:

    Let thy food be your medicine and your medicine be your food! Also
    medicinal herbs ^^

  10. aaronCapricorn says:

    tomato, cilantro(just got a handful of coriander seed), peppers, green
    onion, chives, seeing how strawberries(added coffee grounds etc.) and
    watermelon will do in a small area, competing with weeds. heh. weeds. I
    like to munch on a certain weed or 2. dandelion being one. but i save them
    for bees. planning on seeding cherries after putting them in the fridge for
    a few months, they should be stratified. hoping for an indoor lemon tree.
    just a few lemons a year would be worth it.

  11. olov244 says:

    i work in a restaurant, and i wouldn’t use anything from our drains, so
    many cleaning chemicals get down there, who knows what’s in some of them.
    maybe it’d be ok for your lawn, but i would NOT use it on veggies

  12. Terp Grease says:

    and cubensis dude! for sure

  13. william shidal says:

    I learn something new every day when I watch your videos, thank you

  14. Bianca Zoie says:

    John, this was your best video ever. Such great advice on gardening and
    life. Thank you so much for all you do for all of us. God bless you.

  15. Danel1303 says:

    Could you link me or point me to a video that shows the exact soil mixture
    you are currently using? If not, could you create a video describing
    exactly what components you add to your soil to start?

  16. jo232409 says:

    Hey GYG’ers – I have a garden business in Portland, OR. I install garden
    beds and provide garden services. I’m happy to provide you the supplies I
    purchase in bulk at my price. Things like Peat Moss, Vermiculte, and
    Cascade Minerals. You can check out my site:
    shoot me an email and mention Growing Your Greens. Locals only, I don’t

    If you’re going out of town and need someone to water your garden, or need
    help with harvesting or other garden services like just needing a hand, I
    can help with that at extreme discount. Cheers everyone!

    It was actually John’s video from over a year ago that inspired me to do
    this, and if you’re looking to be independent and work on gardening, I have
    a page about that on my website. Let’s chat!

  17. Richard Padilla says:

    you look so young here and v handsome =]

  18. MrMadMax478 says:

    To the lady that was asking about Eatable Gardening. Look up permaculture.
    You might consider taking Taking a permaculture design course. Permaculture
    Design consultancy businesses do quite well. Look up Geoff Lawton and

  19. avgrim77 says:

    Miracle crap fertilizer? LMFAO!

  20. TheFlygirl7221 says:

    Great garden John.

  21. ppitt5150 says:

    Your message about how you think pot should be legalized is wrong headed.
    We have enough idiots and or brain cell damaged people in this country.
    We do not need to legalize people killing their brain cells.

  22. avgrim77 says:

    250 watt HPS bulb works great!

  23. mary ann says:

    I need a good source to identify mushrooms
    in my mulch and yard, they are all over the place now.

  24. silkcat51 says:

    You’re gona get “carded” if you walk into a bar, John.
    You’re looking younger every day.
    (lol — same thing happened to my son & he was past 30, being big on
    healthy eating….heh heh.)

  25. Alex Mayfield says:

    Hell yeah John! Im glad you covered your position on medicinal cannabis as
    that has been a question of mine for quite some time now. Really looking
    forward to seeing the grow op videos from CO/WA 🙂 great vid as always
    john. Keep on growing.

  26. Eric Huang says:


  27. Sauciflash says:

    To the person who’s looking for an internship: you could try WOOFing if you
    have a bit of time available.

  28. Wichal Rangai says:

    11:19 What is the best source of information for growing weed?
    check out dopechef, they had a vid about a about ago …

  29. Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens says:
  30. L. Charles Burch says: