Cannabis Pruning: Lower branches and fan leaves….to cut? Or not to cut?

Timeless Herbal Care Dr.Williams on Family
June 30, 2014
Primeiro Cultivo (10/06)
June 30, 2014

Cannabis Pruning: Lower branches and fan cut? Or not to cut?It’s hard to remember all the things I want to say in videos, here are a couple things I may have forgot to mention: (NOTE: This is for outdoor growing. Many rules apply to both indoor and…


  1. Wes Anderson says:

    You know what I’ve found, Josh…..Thin the fan leaves so that they have
    good ventilation….helps keep that pesky Nazi Powder Mildew from do’n what
    nazis do…..Look’n good, Dude…..Both the Plants, & You…./;0)

  2. caregiver7751 says:

    Leaf’s are nuti for the plant in flower. never cut them. Good video sir

  3. Buck Buckley says:

    I follow Ed Rosenthal’s thoughts on culling leaves: Cutting a perfectly
    good leaf off a healthy plant is like chopping off an arm of a perfectly
    good athlete. 
