thought i was gonna miss 7:10 ?? – Descarboxilar marihuana medicinal.
May 26, 2014
GROWBLU.COM – LED Grow Light Giveaway
May 26, 2014

thought i was gonna miss 7:10 ??all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. patrick bagwell says:

    got the first layout drafted and getting ideas

  2. trendyasdabbers says:

    please come to the chat at w w w TrendyDabbersChat c o m

  3. yuri michigan says:

    lol billie

  4. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    You can still buy rock tumblers

  5. patrick bagwell says:

    we gonna do things that most haunts won’t do

  6. Fryingsquirrel says:


  7. patrick bagwell says:

    just finished some work on my haunt

  8. 234cheech says:

    england hes one of us

  9. yuri michigan says:

    sup pat

  10. Mr T says:

    yo Nay

  11. yuri michigan says:

    peace nay see ya later bud

  12. yuri michigan says:

    i bet pat

  13. patrick bagwell says:

    this town is in for a wakeup call

  14. patrick bagwell says:

    i fully expect to get in trouble over this haunt

  15. yuri michigan says:

    the shank!!

  16. patrick bagwell says:

    they must sign a waiver

  17. yuri michigan says:

    ya that was dope nay and for 25

  18. Fryingsquirrel says:

    Nay you threatened us with death for the FB booking while your live

  19. yuri michigan says:

    lol wheres it at

  20. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Honk Fuckers!!

  21. patrick bagwell says:

    greetings from north Carolina trendy’s

  22. kevin monaco says:

    he cant headbang no more

  23. yuri michigan says:

    wtf lol

  24. yuri michigan says:

    my cousin billie hes a good guy lol

  25. 234cheech says:

    hes english he was born in sussex

  26. patrick bagwell says:

    i told you we are going to extremes

  27. Billie Ballantine says:

    wokin in the Studio. Listening to Nay between takes. >:)

  28. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Lol at your other the comment Doom. Just read it.

  29. Billie Ballantine says:

    I have charles on my shirt.. not so similar at all… :/

  30. patrick bagwell says:

    dang! i want some fireworks

  31. Trendy Sean says:

    rock tumbler life

  32. Kade Riddell says:


  33. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Funny, Nay has Jimi on his shirt and I have Bob on mine. lol

  34. patrick bagwell says:

    hey yuri this haunt will be killer

  35. spencer R says:

    us cellular

  36. Trendy Sean says:

    you have been summoned billie

  37. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    What up Spencer

  38. yuri michigan says:

    ppl are blowing off fireworks off like a mofo here merica!!

  39. kevin monaco says:

    thats bad always thought verizon is the devil

  40. Mr T says:

    I’m trying to figure out what your beard looks like

  41. yuri michigan says:

    honk honk

  42. patrick bagwell says:

    like handcuff them and pour water on them and quite possibly make them
    watch a simulated suicide

  43. yuri michigan says:

    nays got some killer moves

  44. patrick bagwell says:

    only allowing people 18 and up in

  45. ReptiLife says:

    lol the stories. like a sitcom. krazy nay.

  46. yuri michigan says:


  47. yuri michigan says:


  48. patrick bagwell says:

    for real it takes a lot to make Verizon look bad

  49. Billie Ballantine says:


  50. Billie Ballantine says:

    I use Sergi Mobile.. run by a fat Russian guy in the Alley. he says “Gold
    iphone very authentic”
