DTE WEST full update
April 15, 2014
Hitman Absolution – Weed operation level – so much indoor marijuana [4K 1080p HD]
April 16, 2014

WASTING TIME DEBATING GODS EXISTENCEall viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    You made a time machine, out of Delorian???

  2. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    need an Sky Lark as Nay back up singer

  3. Ernest Stewart says:


  4. Tokin Dave says:

    holy crap there were some nutjobs up in there

  5. Billie Ballantine says:

    My favorite line : thats about as funny as a screen door on a Battleship.

  6. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    oh shit I hear the Dazed and Confused opener lol

  7. Billie Ballantine says:


  8. Ernest Stewart says:

    That’s why I cant play any more, dam auther ritis

  9. Billie Ballantine says:

    watching treeman.. love it

  10. Shayna Lynn says:


  11. MrMarine347 says:

    ok Subbed to you all in here , Cheers !!

  12. MrMarine347 says:

    Rock on Nay !!!

  13. sky lark says:

    Who do that voodoo that you do so well…Yeah sing that song

  14. Trendy Jordan says:

    stay safe yo

  15. Shayna Lynn says:

    being godless brought me here….

  16. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Ok guys, I’ll check you all later. Ned to bring my son to the Dr’s. Be back
    in a few. Keep rocking out Nay!

  17. Gizmoqvack says:

    set those strings on fire!

  18. Shayna Lynn says:

    hell yeah

  19. Trendy Jordan says:

    What did nasa find Billie?

  20. boscher5050 says:

    nay do u like t swift

  21. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    The guy is called The Treeman

  22. Tokin Dave says:


  23. Shayna Lynn says:

    hey dave

  24. Ernest Stewart says:

    Sirius you have been subed

  25. Trendy Jordan says:

    Nay was tripping my ears out a while ago

  26. Trendy Jordan says:

    thats heavy doc

  27. Ernest Stewart says:

    Yea that is hilarious

  28. Shayna Lynn says:

    yo tredys

  29. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Thanks doc I’ll keep that in mind

  30. Ernest Stewart says:

    Be safe Iron lungs

  31. Sirius Tesla says:

    Yeah Nay !

  32. William Wikoff says:

    laters Nay

  33. boscher5050 says:

    i bought a couple taylor swift posters last night nay.. gonna add to my

  34. 6271tony says:

    yea Harley is a cool fucking cat for sure

  35. Tokin Dave says:

    I was thinkin of nay everytime i herad a religious qoute 😛

  36. Ernest Stewart says:

    Trendys check out Andy McKee

  37. Billie Ballantine says:

    so Nasa is announcing a major discovery on thursday, Keplar found
    something. just got it in my email

  38. Billie Ballantine says:

    My favorite line : thats about as funny as a screen door on a Battleship.

  39. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    If anyone wants to see the Angriest guitar player in the world then google
    that and it’s the first video. you’ll laugh seeing him flip out over not
    being able to play one song.

  40. Trendy Jordan says:

    harley is hanging on man lol

  41. MrMarine347 says:

    later nay

  42. Ernest Stewart says:

    Thanks for the tunes Nay, We rocked bro.

  43. Billie Ballantine says:

    Marty. Don’t use the Amplifier today, theres a short

  44. Tokin Dave says:

    hey shayna

  45. TLogan94 says:

    perfect timing

  46. Trendy Jordan says:

    alright peace bruda iron lungs mcgee mann

  47. Tokin Dave says:

    had over 400 peeps in ma live last night nay to see the blood moon

  48. jamie ford says:

    fuck religion

  49. Billie Ballantine says:

    fantastic fret work, nay

  50. Shayna Lynn says:

    take care nay
