Marijuana Hemp Can save the Planet- Do somethin

Yeti & Lsd saplings. Medical Marijuana OMMP grower
January 8, 2014
Tough Maury Kids – Self Indulgent Podcast – Ep 186
January 8, 2014

Marijuana Hemp Can save the Planet- Do somethinEveryone become an activist. Let people know Marihuana isn’t just something people like to smoke. It is MEDICINE, FOOD, FUEL, SUPPLIES, Even electricity can be produced.. So what are we waiting…


  1. Cody Meyer-Nichols says:

    Time is Now! for Marijuana and Hemp- Can’t you see too..

  2. Cody Meyer-Nichols says:

    Check out this video on YouTube:

  3. Cody Meyer-Nichols says:

    We all need Marijuana, Hemp now.
