Road to 30 – How Youtube Gave Me An Improbable New Beginning To My Life! Stranger Than Fiction!

January 3, 2014
17″ Zob Wubbler Inline to 8-Arm Tree Slow-mo Errl Wax Dab – HD 1080/HQ Sound
January 3, 2014

Road to 30 - How Youtube Gave Me An Improbable New Beginning To My Life! Stranger Than Fiction!New Years Episode of my Road To 30 Series. In this series I went back through my 30 years of life over the next 30 episodes and pick out stories and experien…


  1. Gavin Christie says:


  2. Jerald Yayas says:

    Look Mak i really like you if you get a chance can you play bl2 with me on
    xbox my gamer tag is Dnz0907

  3. Michelle Mirra says:

    Oh ok I thought it was just up to thirty. My bad. Also, thanks for
    responding and congrats on almost reaching 100,000 subs.

  4. NextGenerationGamerx says:

    Mak you deserve all that support common guys just 3000 mor to a 100k

  5. CommanderBLY77 says:

    Hey Mak, I never really watched your road to 30 videos…but now..I want to
    watch them all ! I know a lot of people say that you are awesome, but for
    me you are a really nice person and I love it to watch your videos. I never
    write much comments. But this one have to be done. You are awesome, just
    keep the good work up man, you put a smile on my face everytime I watch
    your videos. You can be funny and really serious, that’s why I like your
    videos. Sure thing 2013 was a shitty year, a lot of shit happend, but you
    know, cool things happend too !! Don’t look behinde, just go further, live
    your life to the fullest. I hope you read this, it means a lot for me ;)

  6. MorninAfterKill says:

    +Michelle Mirra because this was summing up my last year, where I turned
    30, which I currently still am 30 😀 

  7. xTurtleRockx says:

    Your a star MAK!! Here’s to another year! 🙂 

  8. Mudluvin Rednek says:

    We will all miss yoteslaya but we r thankful that ur still here and look
    forward to all ur vidays

  9. Jacob Storms says:

    Jay was that breakfast tweet @1200 a reference to gothalion from the live
    stream the other night?

  10. Jo Hare says:

    Oh yeah and mak I just wanted you to know you are a BIG inspiration in my
    life becouse you lossed a dear friend and are welcoming him to be friends
    again. You have been through a divorce/break up and you are a great guy! I
    recently lossed 2 loved ones over the holidays. My great grandmother died
    on christmas eve and my great aunt died on new years. I am pretty beat up
    and it saddens me to see them go. I guess when great people die it really
    effects their surroundings. Just like yoteslaya. Me and my friend scott
    became close friends becouse of yote. We watched his videos and we went
    bought our copys of bl2 and played it all night. When we found out yote
    passed away I felt like SHIT. My neighbors rang the police becouse I didnt
    leave my house for 4 days and then something amazing happed. I met a girl
    named alison. We talked and I was shy to ask her out. I slept that night
    and I saw brian.(yote) next day I asked her out and I felt happy. Yoteslaya
    was the person who has touched me the most in my life non sexually. 

  11. RadioFace says:

    Cause he can

  12. Mark Steenport says:

    Hey mak when do you stream 

  13. Christine Tregenza says:

    yote isnt dead

  14. callodutyminecraft23 says:

    MAK i feel so sad remendering yote 

  15. brenton kaita says:

    Been looking forward to this mak :D

  16. Justin Ford says:

    i found you through a yoteslaya video about zombies where you were talking
    about kicking in a dude who disrespected your girl, 🙂 that was forever ago
    though lol

  17. Jonathan Candelario says:

    Have A Good Year MAK :D

  18. Rey Mena says:

    Jay u are one of the most interesting person I’ve ever seen

  19. agenor defigueiredo says:

    Hey MAK you are blessed and by that I mean you have had your life betered
    in this last year, you have found both family that you had lost and friends
    that you hadmissed but all in all you found people that cared for your
    uploads and enjoyed them …. but only YOU did them cause of your style and
    happy go lucky style, thanks for making my everyday happy.

  20. Jackson Cardinal says:

    i love your road to thirty, i listen to it over and over again and you
    deserve every sub you have and WILL get

  21. BL4CKH3ART GAMING says:

    Nearly there jay youll probs have it by next saturday!!! Congrats in

  22. Kittenish Slinky says:

    MAK we all know we can’t grenade jump in this game. :)

  23. Mason Hull says:

    Please stream soon

  24. jacobj hynes says:

    Love all your road to 30s mak keep doing what your doing man
    Your my frav youtuber and your fucking amazing 

  25. MorninAfterKill says:

    The video is still processing into hd guys, if you have an error click here
    0:01 it will be hd in a few minutes. i dont know why youtube does this but
    it sucks lol. 

  26. MorninAfterKill says:

    New Years means new experiences from the past year. Here’s how things in my
    life took an improbable turn when my youtube channel actually started
    growing! Thanks for the last year, Cheers to the Next! <3 MAK

  27. -Viper Sed- says:

    Ur gf is 50 when ur 30

  28. andy dragon says:

    . DVDs 

  29. Eddie Fernandez says:

    great vid Mak

  30. GetUpStandUpMan says:

    Well happy new year MAK

  31. Drumerpunk1 says:

    jay, your a fucking awesome dude. I got 2 years till i hit 30. starting to
    realize i gotta get off my lazy ass lol whether it be borderlands vids on
    youtube or whatever it is… glad things are workin out for u =)

  32. ipwnnoobs1211 says:

    i just wanna say thank you you slimy mother fucker for makein my life
    better with your videos hope this year is good to you keep doing what you
    doing man

  33. Spineshot25 says:

    Wow I feel stupid…. I mean your not serious that you gf is 50

  34. Shommahoma dubbletrubble says:

    Jay, I’m playing BL2 right now, this next kill’s for you.

  35. Stephen Sr says:

    What I love yoteslayer how come I just found this out I’m shocked 

  36. leonscottkennedyre4 says:

    50?! someone has a sugar mama hahaha

  37. Scar3C0w says:

    Sorry bout your friend Jay 

  38. smi7zy935 says:

    good one MAK very good story and such and I thought about it and I have
    been a sub since way before you road to 30 cant even remember the vid that
    made me sub but that don’t matter you life my spirits up every day so

  39. crossfire717 says:

    Mak you are awssom:)

  40. Andy Imber says:

    Can u make a video just showing your Krieg build yours is awesome

  41. I Am Kriptic says:

    It is so terrible YOTE died. he was a beast. but I know you can continue
    his legend. I know you can. 😀 The Legend Lives. ;D

  42. LSKa71 says:

    This series is my favorite series of yours, but not why I subbed. Subbing
    to you when you were at 27k was not a mistake at all for me. Loved all your
    content before and after I clicked that button. Congrats on all your subs
    dude, hope this year can be better for you than last year, if it’s even
    possible lol.

  43. joseph weeks says:

    You are amazing

  44. HotlineGamer says:


  45. OperationCamper says:

    Your life was really something and I feel for you I loved this series and I
    loved the idea keep doing what your doing

  46. John Tomasic says:

    I’m sorry Jay, but is your girlfriend actually 50?

  47. Magestevnoah says:

    Awesome video MAK very deep 

  48. Hunter Harcourt says:

    MAK, I want to see season two of you and Goth’s borderlands 1 let’s play ;D

  49. Bandito Csgo says:

    I remember when you were at 10000 subs when i joined you deserve all of
    your subs!!!
