or is there some wisdom in there somewhere? What do you think?
For those of you who say our prisons are crowded, it is those who sell marijuana and profit from it without paying the government any taxes or license fees, who may be crowding our prisons. Our justice system is more concerned about those who sell it, not the ones that may be using it, unless they have some other motive for putting some marijuana users behind bars. Such as a parole violation, or giving it to children.
It`s true that marijuana is not addictive, but many users have contracted AIDS and other types of V.D. as well as hepatitis because the effect of marijuana has made them careless in their sexual relations. Nicotine is indeed more addictive than cocaine and it is a nasty addiction and some scientific research has connected cigarette smoking with some accidents, but many more accidents are caused by the reckless practice of many who drink alcohol or smoke marijuana and then decide to drive or operate some other machinery. Of the three, marijuana, and alcohol >continued>
have been used for medicinal purposes, even in the Bible there is an account of the Apostle Luke recomending to a fellow believer that a small amount of wine every day was beneficial to his health. Some may not know that Luke was a medical doctor. Tobacco is not good for anyone`s health, but there`s nothing like smoking a cigarette when you`re stressed out, of course that could just be the effect of nicotine addiction. But the point of the question is the way some liberals rationalize some things.
It’s more than just liberals that want to ban smoking in public places. Note the “public places” part. And that would apply to marijuana as well as tobacco.
It’s not a joke – just another liberal oxymoron.
They believe in killing babies who have done nothing wrong, but they want to save vicious murderers.
They demand their free speech, yet shout down people with opposing views.
They demand that everyone accept them and their ideas, but have zero tollerance for anyone who disagrees with them.
They say gays are equal people, yet they demand special rights for them.
I’m a Liberal and I’m Very against making marijuana legal.
thumbs down because I’m against making pot legal ???
wait till you guys have kids – then you will understand
You aren’t going to get in car accident and kill people because you smoked a Marlboro.
Wow thumbs down? lots of bi1chy little stoners on the board today. That’s okay keep em coming.
All the medical studies and facts in the world against cigarettes and for marijuana are not going to change the fact you are attempting to legislate individual desires and lifestyles. Because that is what it is really about.
So, which substance are you misinformed about? Nicotine and tobacco, or marijuana?
I’m not a liberal, but the facts on the two show that nicotine and tobacco are worse for you than marijuana. On top of that, they have yet to find an addictive substance in marijuana. And further more, marijuana is used in it’s natural form, it’s not pack with unnatural chemicals. Lets just hope it stays natural if the government decides to legalize and distribute marijuana.
Not all liberals want to legalize marijuana and not all liberals are in favor of banning tobacco. Just like all conservatives don’t think the same about these two issues.
More people have died from smoking cigarettes than marijuana. This is a fact. Marijuana has been proven effective for medicinal purposes, such as cancer discomfort. This is a fact.
Tobacco is more addictive than cocaine.
Marijuana is non-addicitive.
I think if your a liberal its a political standpoint.
If you smoke pot regularly your probably consider yourself a liberal and you want to make pot legal (for obvious reasons)
If you dont smoke pot and know what it emans to be a “liberal” you wouldn’t want to make pot legal.
In regards to tobacco, pot smoker would only care to promote their “liberal” standpoint, supporting their “make pot legal” argument
Real liberals want to ban smoking because it kills
Im a conservative… lol
I’m an independent, some social issues I sway liberal, but as such I can put it to you this way:
The problem is, people aren’t really looking too long term in this one. People argue that Marijuana isn’t addictive, when in fact anything can be addictive based upon the person’s attitude towards the object.
When it comes to smoking tobacco versus smoking marijuana, Tobacco is known to be chemically addictive as well as mentally. Marijuana, I truly can’t say. However, I can say that if it was legalized, I’m sure the tobacco companies would jump on it immediately, and eventually we’d be in the exact same boat, only reversed.
I personally am of the mindset to just legalize & tax it. But that’s based upon my view of how the drug war has gone up to now. Personally I also believe that tobacco shouldn’t be banned; it’s a choice that someone makes, and that person has to deal with those choices, don’t need a government to tell you what you can and can not do for your own good.
It’s about smoking in public places, there’s a difference. And that wouldn’t apply only to liberals.
Now I am personally for legalized marijuana because we have thousands of non-violent criminals crowding our prisons because they smoked a plant. Marijuana is less addicting and less harmful to the body than alcohol. The war on drugs is failing miserably. And the government could tax it.
Also, aren’t conservatives supposed to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms? Why do you think it should be illegal in the first place?
And no, I don’t smoke pot. So don’t try to label me some pot smoking hippie.
Nicotine is a highly addictive drug, that when used as intended, will make you sick, or KILL you.
THC is realtively harmless, non addicting,non leathal drug, that has very few side effects.
Hemp is NOT marijuana, and can be a very valuable form of bio- energy and plastics ! Why is ‘hemp’ illegal? Because it merely “resembles” pot?
With that ‘logic’ , why can you buy ‘shrooms’ in the grocery strore?
Liberals do not want to ban tobacco. They just want to tax the h*** out of people who use it.
Hmmm….both. I don’t want your cigarette smoke in my face and you probably don’t want any weed smoke blown in your face. Simple. There are many reasons to legalize marijuana, although I don’t see it happening anytime soon.
Less non-violent offenders clogging up our prisons (which us taxpayers pay for, remember).
Easier regulation, just like alcohol after the prohibition.
Morally, marijuana isn’t any different than alcohol, tobacco or pharmaceuticals for that matter.
Edit: Is there any medical use alcohol or tobacco? I think not.
2nd Edit: “It`s true that marijuana is not addictive, but many users have contracted AIDS and other types of V.D. as well as hepatitis because the effect of marijuana has made them careless in their sexual relations.” So you’re telling me that alcohol has never had this affect on people? Please…I never slept with anyone I didn’t want to because I was stoned.
3rd Edit: “Some may not know that Luke was a medical doctor. Tobacco is not good for anyone`s health, but there`s nothing like smoking a cigarette when you`re stressed out, of course that could just be the effect of nicotine addiction. But the point of the question is the way some liberals rationalize some things. ” Herein lies your problem. You let the bible do the rationalizing for you. You just justified smoking because of it’s addictive nature. Way to go.
Case of hypocrisy. Just like when they want to ban guns while having armed bodyguards.
no, not an oxymoron case. As others have said, tobacco is addictive while pot is not. That said, you’d have been much more impressive with your very good question had you not added all those additional details, which made your original question seem like it was merely a prelude to a unnecessary rant.
They can charge more tax on marijuana than tobacco, and although tobacco is all bad, they will keep it legal – and likely try to legalize marijuana – because of tax revenues. I have heard that stopping sales of tobacco would have devastating effect on our government so they will keep it going, even if it causes addiction, lung cancer and other diseases, trash all over with cigarette butts, etc.
You’re using the wrong term. An oxymoron is a term that the first half contradicts the second half like adult children or military intelligence. You are also generalizing. There are some conservatives particularly libertarians who want to legalize Marijuana. There are many liberals against legalized Marijuana. There are also many liberals who do not want to ban tobacco smoking as well as conservatives that do. Legalizing Marijuana and banning tobacco use makes sense to me. I presently use neither but agree that tobacco has far more harmful effects. Also the prohibition against marijuana is a waste of resources. Regulating and taxing marijuana would be a good idea.
well cigarette smoking is worse than marijuana cuz marijuana is not addictive!
No matter how you slice it – tobacco kills more people than marijuana.