6000 watt grow room, week 3 update.

Osb complete.mp4
November 7, 2013
Weed is Awesome: Harvest How to tell when your Cannabis is ripe
November 7, 2013

6000 watt grow room, week 3 update.Today we’re starting week 3 of flower, responding beautifully to the nutrients.. We have tons of variety and will have all the stains available on our weedma…


  1. B A Jones says:

    lookn real good love the strains ya have going btw keep em coming

  2. Buddynuggets78 says:

    21 days is 3 weeks buddy.. Lol

  3. Mysel Mike says:

    You like flower cages better then scrog net? Just wondering? I have never used scrog net before.

  4. swaggermane100 says:

    Looking good bro lookin good

  5. stableboy420 says:

    Day 21 tomorrow…wouldn’t that be the first day of week 4? Seems to me you already have 3 weeks completed..am I missing something?
