Mormon Moms Fight For Legal Cannabis

HOW TO GROW DANK WEED: Best Way To Grow Medical Marijuana & Bong Rip With The Girls
October 27, 2013
CNN Guest: Why Should ‘Appointed’ Sen. Tim Scott Have Been Invited to MLK An [8-28-2013]
October 28, 2013

Mormon Moms Fight For Legal Cannabis“A conservative Republican Utah state lawmaker is backing an unexpected group of advocates: Mormon moms fighting for medical cannabis for their children.” Ce…


  1. Bob Cobb says:

    Marijuana rec or medical will never be legal federally or in most states.
    Much of the reason medical has been held back is because of the legal rec movement. Thanks guys. If it wasn’t for all the potheads that think getting high is more important than marijuana medical research the feds and state governments would be more supportive of it. Legal rec movement will set back medical for decades. Like medical needed anymore enemies.

  2. krich451 says:

    laughed my ass off when i read that. thanks.

  3. MrRogerdb says:

    Never going to happen. I was raised Mormon there and they will do absolutely nothing that they think would tarnish their alleged lily white image in any way. Even at the cost of letting children suffer so they don’t ruin their image.

  4. TheKingOfSheol says:

    They aren’t good for you in the slightest. If you are under 25, it’s going to hinder your development and down regulate your cannabinoid receptors. Anyone with minimal knowledge of the brain can understand this. It’s people like yourself who ruin it for everyone. Also, all cannabinoids that can cross the BBB can get you “high”. CBD is no exception. TYT is to stupid to understand pharmacology though. Age has a lot to do with cannabinoids in general.

  5. ski czar says:

    No. I’m anti-victim complex.

  6. Michel de Montaigne says:

    So progressive!!

  7. J88Wolf says:


  8. jayarathne Abeydeera says:

    But the religion of drugs is not an organized religion yet. Therefore not so dangerous like the organized religions. If governments really want to make collapse the drug religion, they’re able to do so. Unfortunately politicians look at the other direction for saving drug dealers for many reasons in many countries.

  9. TheKingOfSheol says:

    TYT is to stupid to realize that all cannabinoids are psychoactive and can get you “high” for the most part. They seem to think THC is the most recreational cannabinoid. It also is quite selfish. People with various disorders can benefit from cannabinoids. These stupid cunts have basically ignored everyone else but there children with epilepsy(which was probably brought on by there stupid mistakes).

  10. getenlightened says:

    Cannabis oil still has some THC. It’s just much lower than the amount of CBD. You guys need to do some real research before suggesting something like Cannabis Oil has no THC at all.

  11. Isamudyson84 says:

    I almost choked on my bonghit when it got to the bong mom clip.

  12. anphernie says:

    Or a half-black president (whose broken campaign promises included not raiding medical marijuana clinics if elected)

  13. INTERNATIONALvids says:

    It’s legal if you’re in WA and CO

  14. Asheville Deadheads says:

    LOL, Grandma and Grandpa talking about “the pot” again!, lol insane  so glad they do though

  15. Christopher Rife says:

    One step at a time okay…

  16. Awsem Pinoy says:

    The fact that they’re Mormons offends me.

  17. Lobos222 says:

    Medicinal marijuana
    Poor excuse to get a shoddy doctor to give you access to mind altering drugs.

    Nobody is talking about giving people “medicinal morphine” for simple discomforts.
    Medicinal marijuana is a fucking joke and actually probably a negative towards making ACTUAL medical usage harder to get approved!

  18. Hedley Quintana says:

    A hardcore ‘Merican Tea Party redneck!

  19. Lord Bargoni says:

    Smh america is finished. Blacks, latinos and native americans WE ARE THE TRUE ISRAELITES, step back and let the whites fight for this country. This is not our fight. WE ARE ISRAEL

  20. Jamie Dukes says:

    well that’s what the school is for sooo…

  21. Lazy Orc says:


  22. Herb Burnah says:

    Legalize It!

  23. jensbond93 says:

    The power of the people has more impact when focosing on one target at a time. Many people voting are brainwashed and needs to slowly learn facts. As CBD helps with epelepsy.

  24. 123spodie says:

    Make up your mind… is it good or not?

    ANYTHING in excess can hinder your development,
    Cannabis, opiates, coca, are all ok
    But in EXCESS it Can hinder u, but in a world were we live in nuclear waste, pollution, BIG pharma, greed

    I hardly think cannabis is a worry

    I’ll take nature and god any day over the chemicals they push down our throats

    OH and don’t give me that LOAD OF CRAP that I ruin it for ANYONE.

    Get back in touch before it’s to late

  25. TikiKid says:

    No thc in the oil. The kids don’t get high. It alleviates epileptic seizures  Whys there a fucking problem ?

  26. threeof wands says:

    I would put more stock in this story if Cenk wasn’t visibly stoned during about ¼ of the vids. he posts.

  27. RESISTING1 says:

    “Mormon Moms” sounds hot.

  28. managarm1349 says:

    where´s your bong bit cenk? can´t show that bong clip without making the bong sound. i´m so dissapoointesdnfsed

  29. I am Overman says:

    man shut the fuck up…

  30. Etherouge says:

    Why don’t they just use their magic underwear?

  31. NusuKappeti says:

    well, it’s legal in my state now..Buya..!!!!!

  32. I am a Dhimmi says:

    You sound like a racist

  33. perspicacity89 says:

    You make an excellent point.

  34. Bob Cobb says:

    No. They can remove the thc completely from the oil because it provides zero medical benefits. You are thinking rec, hash oil, honey ect. In the future they will be combining different chemicals with some of the cannabinoidsand to create a superdrug that might have some purpose. THC provides no medical benefits.

  35. RealAmericanUprising says:

    From utah mormon (For now) and I’m a liberal

  36. MrRogerdb says:

    And he’s a Mormon hypocrite.

  37. XMensv says:

    She is supporting something you want and because she is Mormon all you can do is complain about it.

    Look at all the thumbs up your fucked up comment got.

    You liberals just suck so fucking bad it’s unreal.

    You are the most vile hating bunch ever.

  38. Toa Onua says:

    It’s Utah, not going to happen.

  39. Kit Foxxe says:

    to hell with your religion move to California where it is legal get high. Ftw

  40. DeagleBeagle says:

    Pretty hypocritical that she is a Mormon and is taking things like marijuana though. Not hating on marijuana, just her. 

  41. slowmopoke says:

    Cannabidiol’s strong antioxidant properties have been shown to play a role in the compound’s neuroprotective and anti-ischemic effects. CBD has been shown to reduce growth of aggressive human breast cancer cells

  42. managarm1349 says:

    the counterargument…weed is EVIL. EVIL. GOD HATES IT

  43. Christopher Price says:

    I’m epileptic. My meds have serious side effects that cause me to feel like a zombie. If I don’t take them, I have generalized seizures and end up with major injuries. No health insurance. On my prescribed dosage, I almost failed out of college. When I cut the dosage, I made dean’s list the three subsequent semesters. That’s the stuff the government WANTS me to take.

    I also PERSONALLY don’t enjoy getting high. But if cannabis, in any form, could help me, I would be over the moon.

  44. MidwayCastaway says:

    YOU better learn some history cocksucker!
    NAZI’s were right winged just like you!
    Read a fucking book!

  45. Toa Onua says:

    Humans love dealing with specifics.

  46. informationwarfare says:

    “Mormon Moms Fight For Legal Cannabis”

    This is for everybody, epilepsy is simply one of many reasons.

  47. pulpsatire says:

    Really TYT? Only 2 uploads for the day?

  48. philpot kentucky says:

    typical republican thinking. They would be opposed to marijuana, except it’s their precious little Peggy and Johnny who need it.

  49. getenlightened says:

    Really, the amount of THC or CBD in the oil is dependent upon the source Cannabis that the oil was made from. Some oil could be extremely high and THC and very low in CBD.

  50. silversobe says:

    Cannabis oil is also highly effective for treating cancer. Check out “Run from the Cure: The Rick Simpson Story”
