Road To 30 Ep 25 – They Say You Can’t Go Home Again, But I Did! BL2 Krieg Bloodsplosions Everything!

Big Bong Rips With Highallday420r
September 22, 2013
How I water and a purple train wreck
September 22, 2013

Road To 30 Ep 25 - They Say You Can't Go Home Again, But I Did! BL2 Krieg Bloodsplosions Everything!Episode 25 of my Road To 30 Series. In this series I will go back through my 30 years of life over the next 30 episodes and pick out stories and experiences …


  1. Best Ponyy says:

    Dat “coffee” ^.^

  2. DutchAddictiveGaming says:

    So every year, new episode.

  3. D0nNigel says:

    Also ur the best yter for these kinda vids

  4. shadownight9507 says:


  5. Dildar Canadian says:

    You should do the voice for an episode of drunk history. That’d be great

  6. TRexJesus911 says:

    Jesus christ your voice…

  7. Jacob Steinberg says:

    what does that mean?

  8. MorninAfterKill says:

    because i know her?

  9. derek germono says:

    What’s your psycho build?

  10. Supa Teilmann says:

    Arizona is so good

  11. Jimmy Earley says:

    I’m glad you decided to keep doing them your stories make me feel somewhat sane

  12. Hayden Swanson says:

    Sorry for your loss…

  13. Davis TheFamous says:

    Great episode MAK! Damn you sound like a bad ass driver take me for a drive please :3

  14. thatcoolguy23 says:

    hooray hes useing the lovethumper

  15. ad3cki says:

    Can u show ur build in this video? Its looking crazy awesome, i search build in description and etc and i dont see it

  16. D0nNigel says:

    Do a video stoned mak!!

  17. XgamersXdimensions says:

    What does coffee mean to older women? I don’t play GTA.

  18. Kyle Brunberg says:

    Dont end it 🙁

  19. Kai Rodrigues says:

    I see what you did there 🙂

  20. AJtheweirdo says:

    Thanks anyways for replying to my comments, you’re one of my favourite YouTubers!

  21. David Knight says:

    Same here man. my son is 2 1/2 an 3feet 3 inches an my 11 year old daughter is 5feet 7 inches. We got giants lol

  22. Jacob Steinberg says:

    i will lol 🙂

  23. MorninAfterKill says:

    dont feel stupid it was just a fun comment 😀 dont take it seriously 😀

  24. willow514 says:

    No, they were the same car, looked exactly the same, only difference was the emblems. The Eagle brand came about from Chrysler and Mitsubishi working together, 

  25. AJtheweirdo says:

    Lol, now I feel stupid for making that comment…..

  26. Surya Lemke says:

    Nice life

  27. Griffin brown says:


  28. Mw2Scopezzzz says:

    How many cars have you had Mak?

  29. Colin Shinners says:

    Mak you so silly

  30. marlon atkins says:

    Mak im glad ur life is going well

  31. Andre B says:


  32. Nicholas Freund says:

    OMG sorry MAK I didn’t really pay attention and when ever I looked it was 0 ( I was listening to you though )

  33. cacamaster11 says:

    Cream in that coffee !! LMAO

  34. Court Injustice says:

    That coffee metaphor at 25:00 was amazing; you’re the man, MAK

  35. ad3cki says:

    What is ur build there? Txc

  36. xNeOnBoMbSaUcEx says:

    When I get pissed at stalkers, Norfleet pinches back

  37. Chris G.e says:

    Do you have the roughrider shield on?

  38. Nicholas Freund says:

    The shield I mean

  39. Jordan Mills says:

    Man I love these Road to 30 episodes.

  40. Cristobal Renteria says:

    How old is your current gf?

  41. MorninAfterKill says:

    i do it purposely because its hard to tell when someone is joking in a comment 😀 

  42. washed lightning says:

    Coke dealer :D

  43. sk8crtn says:

    So it’s not the same car.

  44. RSOracaVids says:

    How do you know she still has the car?

  45. Nicholas Chavarria says:

    My favorite series !

  46. Fred Luecker says:

    Nooooo me ballon

  47. Zen Snipes says:

    MAK have you realized that you say lol in almost every comment. 🙂

  48. epico grysona says:

    ur a good man

  49. TOMÁS Ravaglio says:

    Hey guys, can someone help me with something ? ok. I finished playtrough 1 and Bought the season pass should i go straight to TVHM or should i do the DLCs or Only some DLCs if so let me know what DLCs
