Bee Lasso Introduces Multi Balm

The Girl That Looks Like A Troll Wants To Know If She Is Ugly Or Pretty
November 28, 2013
Grow Room Update – 11/27/13 – Grafting Update
November 28, 2013

Bee Lasso Introduces Multi BalmBee Lasso Introduces “Bee Lasso Multi-Balm” A multi purpose Bee Wax Product. Lubricates Glass connections so they do not freeze up or stick, improves the sea…


  1. Matt Stoner says:

    On call of duty ghosts, there is a map where SDA is spray painted on
    buildings.. Trippy shit man haha


  2. youwouldjake says:

    you should have made is 2 chapsticks for 4.20$

  3. hankburlingame says:

    I like the bong hitting music that played when you first hit your bong

  4. violentz313 says:

    If I had to guess you’re a cigarette smoker right?

  5. Smooth-e Oscillations says:

    Silly Soundrone. your support to slap it, not flick it.

  6. hunter kates says:

    Why doesn’t anyone put they’re bee laso on the bowl piece? I mean warping
    it on your lighter is fine but if you loose that lighter and need to use
    bee laso how can you? Also it’s easier to cover the bowl from wind. Might
    be a nice suggestion to try?

  7. Jim Kimble says:

    Revenge of the lamp hahaha all the times u smacked it got u back

  8. Austin Rinderle says:

    I thought that was my phone lol! Sound what phone do you got I have the

  9. Jeff M. .WI. says:

    Bong rippers and shenanigans! Haha awesome sound! I always talk in a
    Russian accent now because of you! All my friends are like the fuck? Lol I
    shared this vid to all my stoner friends! Peace the fuck out, boom! 🙂 

  10. Cavie Caviidae says:

    Good idea. And it will smell nice because of the beeswax, I love that smell

  11. Mike Macioce says:

    I would buy a shirt that said rippers and shenanigans! 

  12. garretanderson61 says:

    im goin to get me some of tht zhitz

  13. Ray Garcia says:

    That dam lamp dude always in the way haha nice video can’t wait for the

  14. Sound Experiments says:
  15. Dustin Moore says:

    okay sound i need to ask, is it really some special stuff or is it just
    regular old lip balm 😉 I need some of this if it is any different… or
    can you use lip balm?

  16. Bee20er says:

    You should keep a lit Scented candle around so you can keep relighting your
    bee lasso easier 

  17. EathenTransPride1 says:

    dude your awesome. your a trip but its awesome. cant wait for the next
    video. stay lifted 

  18. ilikeamanda says:

    I wiish i had this product years ago. Glass stick when you clean it
    sometimes , great idea~ Great product~

  19. SatinMan says:

    Cool product Sound!
    Just placed my order for some Bee Lasso balm!

    You need to come out with Soundrone and Bee lasso beanies to wear dude!!


  20. hunter kates says:


  21. Sonic Death Monkey says:

    LOL sound your phone going off was perfectly timed, totally made that hit
    all TV dramatic haha

  22. jsphjohnson says:


  23. ADS24643 says:

    So the balm would be amazing for rigs
