710 Oil Hats and Orange Cupcakes

Новости про коноплю – girl laughs marijuana
November 8, 2013
Birthday & stuff
November 8, 2013

710 Oil Hats and Orange CupcakesSoundrone opens up some fan mail and discovers orange cupcakes. Is Soundrone a reptilian shape shifter? watch the very last second to see Soundrone uncloakin…


  1. deathmonger420 says:

    holy shit your funny…thats why actually enjoy watching your
    vids…personality…all these other youtube stoners are just boring and
    put no OMPH into it….FUCKING SOUND!

  2. rovellop says:

    Sound i need a bong, since it´s impossible to get one here in Ecuador. Also
    tried to get the diamond cutter to make one, but i didnt find it :(. Please
    make my dream come true. Stay awesome!

  3. jaxng97 says:

    just wanted to say “hi!”

  4. AdamThePhotographer says:

    gotta love the new comment system

  5. SounDrone Fan says:

    Sound, how are you? And I changed my username:)

  6. GOLDENCANS67 says:

    best part of getting high is eating food just taste so much better

  7. AdamThePhotographer says:

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    :.: : : : : : : : : : : : ‘Ì
    : : : : : : :, : : : : : :/

  8. Jeroni Boyett says:

    Hahaha i was completely zoned out until 6:07. Full attention now

  9. Colin Scott says:

    Sound! Stay awesome man! I always look forward to your videos.

  10. Allan Lipson says:

    That would be awesome id buy one

  11. Anthony Murillo says:

    that whould have been cool if he switch them to bud cupcakes lol

  12. YummyNomNoms says:

    Well that’s one way to do it. Lol. Keep putting up the vids, Sound.

  13. shady11ish says:

    u need a black and yellow hat so the bee will match the hat

  14. Effym0812 says:

    haha the beginning!

  15. Mewtwo420 says:

    fuck yeah man, i have 4 grassroots hats and there fucking tremendous. Never
    once was i dissapointed with them there the bees knees if ya know what i

  16. Zac B says:

    you think hostess would do a special order and make a full size cake made
    just like a big cupcake but layered with cream so there its as much in a
    huge cake?

  17. shmellyx says:

    6:07 I died literally, as i speak i am from another astral plane. Or just
    really high :).

  18. Sound Experiments says:
  19. jim80NES says:

    brother…cheers maing
