What was the first state to legalize medicinal marijuana?

How Do I Get A Medicinal Marijuana Card?
September 4, 2010
Major marijuana bust
September 4, 2010
Medicinal Marijuana
keflores90 asked:

Which state was the first and who was the latest state?


  1. founck says:

    I’m pretty sure California was first.

  2. panurge says:


  3. Igor says:

    Arnold is always first.

  4. inoffensive nickname says:

    Is it actually legal, or has it just been decriminalized?

  5. Erik G says:

    Weed is not legal in any state cali has it for medical so if a state Trooper pulls you over in car and you have medical mj you can not go to jail but i the DEA pulls you over you still go to fed persion because fed law over rides state law just a little bit it has just been decriminalized
    over the years but whats really dumb it is a schedule 1 drug ( totally illegal fed test only ) which makes no sense so the correct answers is it is not legal any were just decriminalized
