Diet Weed Coming Soon!

January 26, 2015
January 26, 2015

“Those who say marijuana branding can’t be done look increasingly likely to be interrupted by someone doing it—most recently, Bethenny Frankel. The former Real Housewives star turned Skinnygir…


  1. Stephen Deagle says:

    Our consumerism has fetishized marijuana into not just something it’s not,
    but a thousand different things it’s not. It’s just branding, people. Even
    the indica/sativa distinction is hazy at best. The only scientifically
    verified difference between any strain is the level of THC and level of

    Or, as the Bard had Theseus put it:

    More strange than true. I never may believe
    These antique fables nor these fairy toys.
    Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,
    Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
    More than cool reason ever comprehends.
    The lunatic, the lover, and the poet
    Are of imagination all compact.
    One sees more devils than vast hell can hold—
    That is the madman. The lover, all as frantic,
    Sees Helen’s beauty in a brow of Egypt.
    The poet’s eye, in fine frenzy rolling,
    Doth glance from heaven to Earth, from Earth to heaven.
    And as imagination bodies forth
    The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
    Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
    A local habitation and a name.
    Such tricks hath strong imagination,
    That if it would but apprehend some joy,
    It comprehends some bringer of that joy.
    Or in the night, imagining some fear,
    How easy is a bush supposed a bear!

  2. David X says:

    Tired of ana reporting all these stupid ass marijuana videos. We get it you
    smoke yourself so you feel the need to talk about it every second. Stupid

  3. ShermKlump says:

    I though I subscribed to a channel with actual news content. I guess I was
    wrong. I used to like TYT but they have gone so downhill lately. Like their
    videos aren’t even informative anymore. I’m done with this. *unsubscribed*
    for good. Fuck TYT.

  4. Tezuni says:

    ana could use a diet

  5. Mulla Nasrudin says:

    Ooooh, Adam Chester will not allow comments anymore.
    He can dish it out but he can’t take it.
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (;

  6. chrismay1a says:

    weed that does not give you the munchies… hmm 100% impossible cuz all i
    hear all day long is if weed was legalized than everyone would just sit in
    their couches all day long eating junk food.. so no it is not possible

    all kidding aside, if its possible thats cool but i think its more of a
    pipe dream. if anything it will just be the “placebo effect”. breaking down
    weed to find out what chemicals in it give the munchies, than taking those
    specific chemicals out seems plausible though

    lol i gotta stop commenting before i watch the full video you guys always
    bring up my point/s

  7. Josefsson9013 says:

    I don’t get the munchies when I smoke, I just get really thirsty.

  8. Garrett Martin says:

    not everyone gets the munchies from smoking weed. in fact, I usually eat
    before smoking since I lose my appetite. 

  9. Steve Blockman says:

    Deit Weed: “Wow, I can smoke more without gaining weight!”

  10. Rap Goth says:

    ‘Diet’ products = bullshit to profit from an obese nation.

  11. Madore says:

    K so I’ll be the first non troll pervert and say fuck this lady and fuck
    the moronic housewives that would buy that shit

  12. Steve Steves says:



  13. robhalfordtate says:

    Miss universe contest is on. Betting a negro female doesn’t get top 50.
    Proving once again no one wants to touch a negro female beast. 

  14. Jason Mariano says:

    I enjoy an AK47 and Northern Ligjts hybrid, it makes you feel purely happy
    and joyful, and then when you start to come down it relaxes you so you can
    go to sleep or chill and enjoy the rest of the high

  15. riniks112 says:

    This whole weed glamorizing is for a targeted appeal, they know there’s a
    huge growing market for that. TYT has no real substance. (no puns intended
    They just run with the agenda without delving into the root of issues, it’s
    worse than it being of no value, it’s actually destructive.

  16. incorrigible cynicism says:

    “[S]pecifically engineer strain of pot…”. Ah, I see; transgenic (GMO)
    and corporately commodified marijuana, inadequately researched as to hidden
    deleterious effects on human health, yet nonetheless granted FDA approval.
    I anticipate the day when MONSANTO shall absolutely dominate the market –
    and the pot heads will be in too much of an insensible, apathetic torpor to
    resist, or even care. And it will serve them right.

  17. DaCamponTwee says:

    I just really want all TYT channel trolls to die. Someone should gram their
    IP’s track them down, and kill them in some hilariously brutal way. A spike
    up the ass perhaps?

  18. Valentino Guilot says:

    what the fuck happen to her face 

  19. plantsinspace says:

    fucking stupid… so stupid. talk with a psychiatrist while smoking
    weed if you want to change eating habits… 

  20. Daniel Ramirez says:

    Smoke meth youll get skinny real quick

  21. tomismop says:

    I’m just looking through your videos. You guys talk about weed. Like, a
    lot. Maybe you guys should broaden your horizons because your topics are
    getting really redundant.

  22. brandon Johnson says:

    Cereal is the best munchies ever. Cures munchies and cotton mouth at once!
    Plus who does not love cinnamon toast crunch when stoned.

  23. Shahid Alshalwi says:

    i always confuse her for the lady from weeds i would support that not this
    hoe brand it like in the show

  24. Justin Phillips says:

    marijuana causes violence look at eric garner micheal brown trayvon martin
    all had marijuana in their systems

  25. Zed Flanders says:

    Good for her. I hope she collaborates with someone who produces a quality
    product and she doesn’t just pump out cheap commercial bammer. And I bet a
    lot more soccer moms will start burning down if she does get involved in
    the industry.

  26. Oshyrath says:

    Coming up next: Weed zero

  27. why-me?? says:

    i thought being big is beautiful, and large is in charge, don’t even
    mention the health benefits behind that. Fat and proud gurls, fat and

  28. Sha'Nay Nay Bufanaquishria Shaniqua Henderson says:

    Ana could really use this, get getting chubby

  29. Heiner Privat says:

    Well, you got that kinda right Ana, with the different strains, but not
    completly. In essence its right, Sativas have more THC which makes you high
    and energetic while indicas have more other substances such as CBN whichs
    effects are often described as “stoned” instead of “high” – i.e. you are
    more tired and so on.
    Now, the different strains arent the only way it differs, and obviously
    those arent completly seperate to begin with, you get breeds which are
    partialy sativa and partialy indica. In any case, harvesting the buds early
    into the flowering also gives you more THC compared to CBN while harvesting
    later gives you a higher yield overall but also more CBN compared to THC.

  30. Hank Hill says:

    Mowing the lawn gives me the munchies, now how do you fix that?

  31. Murphy Plays Games says:

    Oh this sounds great.

    Let’s urge more young people to waste their lives on marijuana.

    It’ll make you cool and keep you thin!

  32. WoahDerBUD says:

    This comment section is fucked

  33. Rusty Shackleford says:

    The only people I see falling for this scam are blacks.. They’re easy to
    fool, and when you mention weed, they chimp out. 

  34. Independent Views says:

    I’ve nicknamed Ana ” Ana The Fluuffer” due to all the fluff stories she
    Google Fluffer Ha!

  35. Lisa Sweeny says:

    All this marijuana usage and degeneracy promoted by the liberal left is
    what is destroying this county. I laugh at dumb liberals who think drug
    laws are racist. Just because blacks are dumb and get caught more often
    than whites does not mean the laws are racist, it means blacks are dumb.

  36. regtracker says:

    Ben is funny, “Bourbon is Bourbon”, that’s like sayin Metisse is only
    slightly better than Ripple lol. 

  37. Sean Nolan says:

    So… basically weed for idiots?

    Sativa strives off of making people active.

    Indica makes you get the munchies.

    So shes just going to sell Sativa type plants with a different name? lol.

    Fucking marketing. 

  38. Two Whittles For Billy says:

    My fellow conservatards, we must remember to never EVER take drugs! Except
    for alcohol, that is perfectly fine. Oh, and medication prescriptions of
    course. And over-the-counter drugs for colds and whatnot. And caffeine,
    caffeine is fine. Just no drugs that MINORITIES take, because, I don’t
    know, we might actually like it and see that maybe other races aren’t so

    – Bill “Two Whittles in My Mouth” Whittle

  39. zh11147 says:

    Skinny girl cigarettes. Who’s with me?

  40. lrmy says:

    “there are two strains of marijuana” Yes, but there are hundreds more

  41. Kai Ingebrigtsen says:

    and ruderalis ;)

  42. yzman123 says:

    Good god there are a lot of racist trolls on this channel.

  43. Carl Johnson says:

    Munchies are a mental thing. I can fast when I use cannabis.

  44. Hoerkelis says:

    So false advertising is ok if it is for weed?

  45. raydeen2k says:

    Bourbon: Jim Beam is much better than Jack Daniels (IMHO). I also like Old
    Crow. There are differences.

  46. Harry Bahls says:

    Like this comment if you like getting the munchies.

  47. Wolfy says:

    There are more than just 2 different strains of marijuana -_-

  48. SymponicAngel says:

    Gotta love all the drug addicts in this comment section.

  49. EasySnake says:

    some day big weed will be bribing our politicians and making ads about how
    alcohol causes domestic violence.

  50. Phil LaFond says:

    Was Ana stoned when she did this?
