BIG ANNOUNCEMENT & 18+ Shout Outs (Part 1) Long & Well Worth It! Vlog#28

Hoop House for Monster Outdoor Plants!
February 24, 2013
Rob Cartwright talks cell pics & cops; medical pot at work
February 24, 2013

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT & 18+ Shout Outs (Part 1) Long & Well Worth It! Vlog#28Extra Long Unscripted BIG ANNOUNCEMENT Shout Outs (Part 1) Vlog#28 Watch this long love packed toke and talk Three full pages of shout outs long over due!!* Read Everything Below for Direct Info of each persons channel I mentioned or a video I refer too. Thanks for watching! (PART TWO TO BE POSTED ON 2-24-2013*) Sorry Took All Day to Upload! Shout Outs & Video/ Channel Shout Outs in Order “Below” 😉 KoloradoKush970 / Video Reference: RLCDesigns / OLD STUFF ABOUT M


  1. MsChronicChronicles says:


  2. Stoner Morrison says:

    I love Angie <3 and you, thanks girl, I appreciate all you love and support as well girl, so much so, blessings and love to you forever and always. Your so special girllll!!! you make me smile and want to be better, a better person etc..

  3. Jason Campbell says:

    smudging … wow … my mom does all that stuff

  4. MsChronicChronicles says:

    ARE YOU CRACKING THE FUCK? LOL.. ;) It MAKES ME LAUGH KNOWING WHERE YOUR CRACKING The FUCK lol* ( i felt so silly.. rant fabulous*) So I Love Lucy Style..

  5. KoloradoKush970 says:

    Great vid! I didin’t think it was a hard watch at all! Thank you so much for spreading the love. Happiest Highs to you! Big hug =)

  6. MsChronicChronicles says:

    “Really Really HEAVY AND REALLY REALLY WIDE” 😉 lol 🙂

  7. MsChronicChronicles says:


  8. MsChronicChronicles says:

    tanks missssy***

  9. Sue Peterson says:

    You would make an awesome DJ!  🙂 Or better yet, a stand-up comedian! Loved this vlog! You go girl!

  10. Everydaykittyd says:

    Dr. Pepper ftw!

  11. MsChronicChronicles says:

    oh dude// you have more ( a challenge video request) for second part = already recorded – I HAVE TWO MORE PAGES TO READ MISSY* 😉 Think No Doubt SOng… You will .. see… 😉 big Hug!!

  12. lovelylildragon says:

    We should sesh when I go visit my friend in LA I live in sf ♡

  13. MsChronicChronicles says:

    sorry* I a LONG WINDED* LOL

  14. MsChronicChronicles says:

    YEA*** :) I hope U laughed*

  15. lastcallbeam says:

    @24:25…. Just marlin my spot so I know where to start up again at… Lol

  16. CptHwdy2013 says:

    Thanks so much for the shout out and highlightin Alchemist! He’s a good dude! Enjoy that DWC system and juicing! The plant with change your life for the better!

  17. John C says:

    Fuck shit ton? What kind of measurement is that? 🙂

  18. Stoner Morrison says:

    I loved it alll the way through!!! awesome, pure awesomeness. true Gypsy queen cannabis pirate princess ha ha ha <3

  19. MissGorzyCuddleGoo says:

    Thank you so much for the mention, I really appreciate it! Your comments made me laugh 🙂

  20. Stoner Morrison says:

    omg theres a lot of dead birds ha ha ha

  21. xx420Alchemistxx says:

    wow, your awesome and now the world is going to see too. thank you for being kind and thoughtful. check out MMR #17 when it loads up later today. i talked alittle about the juicing and things i know so far from what ive read. take care my friend. 🙂

  22. Jamie Leigh says:

    UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM wait, where is my pardody vid??? This gal with a HUGE SENSE OF HUMOR about herself is wanting to see it! and on the kate winslet reference, i thought i was the only one who got that? see, we are soul mates i knew it. you are BEAUTIFUL and so much like me… can’t wait for other vid… <3

  23. MsChronicChronicles says:


  24. MsChronicChronicles says:

    yeaaaaa*** ( sorry keke is a huffer*)

  25. MsChronicChronicles says:

    😉 yea. feel free to send a video reply on here* i will add some of your info and mention you to my friends reply video I am sending tomorrow. Thank you for watching*

  26. MsChronicChronicles says:

    YEA* FO REALS MISSY* WE SHOU*LD We can chat soonnn* HUGS& thank you missy for your kindness ( you inspired me to make this video*) Your on the list* 😉

  27. CptHwdy2013 says:

    we have a lot of same views on demonic entities….

  28. Jasmine Ellis says:

    love a duck i block your ass laughing my ass off
    you are one fun lady to listen too
    loved this video you put a big smile on this cold sunday
    thank you dear for the mention your awesome
    hugs kisses

  29. Angie LupusLife says:

    most epic shout-out video ever. ^^ Thank you for the shout out

  30. Stoner Morrison says:

    ps I love your dog more and more every video!
