Biggie Smalls is Still Alive!! ( Notorious BIG ) Seen in video at end..
June 2, 2011
outdoor marijuana 2011 season PART 1
June 3, 2011

A FEW OF MY FEMINIZED CANNABIS PLANTSmusic MAD CHILD- do or die…all cannabis seen here is for MEDICINAL use by myself… auto kaya 47,critical,auto lowgirl,all from advanced seeds,all feminized,DAY 34 from seed,sunshine mix#4 with basic advanced flowering nutes and super natural growterra for veg,how to grow weed,buds,smoking marijuana,bong hits,bong rips,marijuana cultivation,cannabis sativa,medicinal cannabis,medicinal marijuana,medicinal marihuana


  1. canadiancosnnoisseur says:

    @DrAutoflower its about 13 inches from each plant

  2. gemini0118 says:

    its beautiful shes gonna bud real nicely i can smell it over here lol

  3. canadiancosnnoisseur says:

    @gemini0118 thanks bro

  4. DrAutoflower says:

    @canadiancosnnoisseur how far is your 400w away from the tops of your plant?

  5. DrAutoflower says:

    they’re looking very healthy. great pick for for grow medium. id use sunshine mix if i could get it here. what kinda lights you using? that kaya 47 looks a bit strched.

  6. canadiancosnnoisseur says:

    @DrAutoflower just a 400 watt hps…they all the exact same conditions and feeding…its just the genetics…they are suppost to grow 60-70 cm indoor and mine is at 63 cm..right on track…the stock doesnt look thick in the vid but its a bit thicker than my pinky realy strong to…just lanky strain..looks like its gunna produce heavy for me tho
