ANIMALS & MARIJUANA – The Evolution of Getting High

Noon: Cleveland drug busts
April 13, 2013
MA Court: Marijuana Smell Not Enough for Traffic Stop
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ANIMALS & MARIJUANA - The Evolution of Getting HighAnimals and Marijuana. Come along as we explore how Cannabis might have evolved into the plant we know today as Marijuana or Weed. Its close relationship wit…


  1. AnimalWire says:

    Yes, psychology is fascinating!

  2. tsilliman123 says:

    Gettin bugs stonedddddd

  3. tyrone4747 says:

    Weed smokers are so annoying

  4. MoodyMooMoo1 says:


  5. MoodyMooMoo1 says:

    Animals getting high OMG what spiders on drugs that’s so funny 🙂

  6. AnimalWire says:

    Yeah, many theories…slowly putting together pieces of the puzzle. 

  7. Nope McNope says:

    An entire video about the evolution of animals in relation to weed, and it basically just says, “we don’t know, but there is one, we swear.”

    Also, the narrator sounds high as fuck.

  8. AmbeRose16 says:

    Soooo, I’m going to assume you’re new here

  9. MoodyMooMoo1 says:


  10. AnimalWire says:

    haha, that was gold.

  11. TheRrrogerrr says:

    love the reggae !

  12. squanto2 says:

    This video is stupid and slow and boring.

    I wanted information and I got a head full of dull reggae music.

  13. Umbalafum says:

    “Also, the narrator sounds high as fuck.”

    Interessing would be a documentary about how a simply negative attitude towards a subject has influence on ones perception without the use of any abusive substance.
