Why are the current views of marijuana in the United States so ridiculous?

Marijuana plant growing like a bush?
September 7, 2010
what kind of chemicals are needed for growing marijuana?
September 7, 2010
marijuana jokes
Apollo asked:

Why is there so much bull**** in the system? The government runs campaigns against it which cost thousands of dollars. The government tries to portray it as evil yet if one is arrested with less than four ounces THREE times in most states, nothing will happen and one wouldn’t even get a conviction. Yet, the fourth time you would likely spend time in jail. It doesn’t make sense. Also, I noticed whenever there is a story involving someone getting arrested for marijuana on the news, most journalists makes jokes and treat it like it’s absolutely nothing, yet they are the ones who chose to report on it in the first place. Why report on marijuana arrests if you don’t take it seriously? Why have marijuana laws if you aren’t going to enforce them or take them seriously?

I am just trying to figure this out but it doesn’t make sense. By the way, before anyone calls me a pot head, I want to let you know I used to smoke marijuana but do not anymore and have not for quite a while. My experiences with marijuana, the law and the media has left me very very cynical.
The argument that marijuana leads to other drugs that I agree should be illegal like heroine and cocaine is completely unfounded and arbitrary. I smoked marijuana for 2 years pretty often and never got into any other drugs, not even alcohol. The only other drug I have taken was a d-amphetamine pill to help me study and focus for a few classes. I have never been addicted to any drug and when I smoked marijuana I was responsible about it.


  1. Phuc Eu says:

    “Why are the current views of marijuana in the United States so ridiculous?”

    because after a couple bowls you get the giggles.

  2. Liberty says:

    I don’t smoke it, never had, don’t plan on it, and I completely agree.
    We spend billions of dollars a year to fight it, and people lose their lives over… a… PLANT??!!!!

    Come on?!!
    It’s just ridiculous?! I can see regulating drugs that make people want to tear holes into their faces, or gain superhuman strength or something, but at the same time, from what I’ve read, all marijuana does makes people want to chill and hug people. How could that be bad for the world?

    From what I gather (Haven’t checked the sources, but I heard it through the grapevine) the marijuana prohibition began nearly at the same time that major drug companies were beginning to send lobbyists to congress, and they didn’t want painkiller competition that cost people nothing to grow.

    It’s just like alcohol prohibition… Those that want it will get it, and their vendors will be mobsters like Al Capone instead of the drugstore around the corner.

  3. sensible_man says:

    The reason for not confining those convicted of MJ is that there is not room in the jails. You just pay a fine. There are many laws that are not enforced, but are there in case they need them.

  4. Mercer Devil says:

    They say smoking marijuana makes you feel paranoid, yet it is the people that have never smoked marijuana that act the most paranoid. Mostly it is fear based on the scare tactics of people with an agenda rather than on fact that keep the anti-marijuana laws on the books.

  5. bluechristy12 says:

    The Main reason that it has not become legal or decriminalized is Money.Lobbyist from oil companies along time ago (believe it or not because Hemp oil = energy ) and now days Pharmaceutical companies as well .

  6. teran_realtor says:

    This is the most intelligent question I think I’ve ever read on marijuana.
    There are several issues you bring up.
    The media is liberal. Many still do illegal drugs and their intention is not to report the news (be a journalist), but rather to help shape opinions (be a lobbyist or a show host).
    As far as the enforcement of the laws, marijuana is a gateway drug. It’s use and the contacts it creates lead to harder drugs – but there just isn’t enough jail space for all the criminals in our society. (I worked as a probation office for 9 1/2 years in Gary, Indiana) But the laws prohibiting the use of marijuana should not be done away with as that would lead to more use of harder drugs. Consider the speed limit – if the speed limit is 55, everybody drives 60 and the police give you that leeway. (going 5 over the limit is like smoking marijuana – do it enough times and you’ll get in trouble, but just once or twice and they let you slide). If you raise the limit to 60 (like legalizing marijuana), then everyone will drive 65.
    Marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes are all bad for you – since alcohol and cigarettes have been legal for so long, it would be impossible to now take them out of society by making them illegal. If we “did an experiment” with marijuana and made it legal for a while to see what it’s effects would be, we would never again be able to take it out of society – so we need to keep it illegal.

    BTW – I am personally an example of why marijuana should not be made legal. I have never smoked marijuana. When I was younger, I drank to excess – I started drinking ONLY because it was legal. If alcohol had been illegal, I never would have started. I’m a lucky one. My drinking never ended up costing me an accident or too much harm – I’m sure I was less productive in college than I was capable of, as well as during my twenties and early thirties.
