Why are people against smoking Marijuana?

“Jazz From Hell” Trailer
September 7, 2010
Is it OK to use grub x on a growing Marijuana plant?
September 7, 2010
marijuana jokes

I myself have smoked before, however I have not touched weed in about 6 months give or take. When I smoked I would go from a week long binge to having a dry spell for a couple of weeks. I smoked for a total of about 2 years and I never had any issues with my responsibilities, like school for example. I actually kept a 3.6 GPA and I never tried any other drugs except drinking. So, personally I find no issues with marijuana unlike what many people will tell you (It makes you stupid. It leads to harder drugs. It takes over your life. It’s addictive.).

Now I will rant.

Ok, so I know it’s addictive. I’m not going to deny that. However, it’s certainly less addictive than something like cocaine or even caffeine. And yes, caffeine will cause withdrawal symptoms not unlike nicotine withdrawal. While marijuana can cause psychological dependence, marijuana does NOT have any physical withdrawal symptoms. I had absolutely no issue when I quit, and I only wanted to smoke for about the first week. After the first week I have no longer felt any desire to smoke up, except for the fact that I occasionally just want to wind down and enjoy myself on a joint.

Now, the government has a completely legalized industry for alcohol, which by the way messes you up MUCH more than marijuana. And I know that you people who have never tried marijuana often find this very difficult to believe, but just ask your self this. Have you ever seen somebody get so high that they were too dizzy to stand up and walk straight? Have you ever seen somebody smoke up and then puke their guts out all night from weed poisoning? No and no. marijuana will simply chill somebody out or get their heart racing. It depends on the strain, but in either case, nobody is overdosing or seeing double. That’s saved for the completely legal alcoholic drinks that are advertised all over the television.

Also, marijuana has never killed anyone. And I mean anyone. Of course, you can say that people will get into their cars and crash, but have you ever thought of how people get into their cars and crash all of the time, while they’re completely sober? Besides, there are studies that have shown marijuana usually makes somebody a more cautious driver and getting high is equal to about a .05 BAC (.08 is the legal limit for alcohol).

Now, I’m sure that some mom is going to come on here and talk about how because of weed their kid does heroin or whatever. I don’t know how this myth got started, but I believe the number is something like only 1 out of every 30-40 people who have tried marijuana will go on to use any other illegal substance. And from my own experience, the only people who actually went on to use heroin or coke actually talked about that BEFORE they ever tried marijuana. No joke. Most people understand the consequences of hard drugs and see what it can do to a person’s life, and so they stay away. It’s that simple.

I think that my favorite myth is that marijuana makes you stupid. Right. How about you go tell that to my formerly A.P. student friends (now off to college) which would get SAT scores up in the 2000s. Yea if that isn’t proof enough right there, here’s something else for you. Marijuana has not been proven to kill any brain cells. In fact, studies have shown that it actually STIMULATES brain cell growth. I **** you not. It only takes a quick Google search.

Now when people say that marjuana will take over your life, I believe that they must be referring to the far and in between cases where people actually did let marijuana take over their life. What those same people don’t realize though is that they probably know loads of people that smoke weed, or have smoked weed, but that never let it take over their life. The thing is though is that you will never hear about it because that’s just not something you would talk about with a co-worker or a neighbor. Most functioning people can handle smoking a little bit of marijuana once in a while, the SAME WAY people can have a beer or a glass of wine every once in a while.

Now, my final point, which is probably my most important is, what has a marijuana user ever done to you? Nothing, that’s what. And it’s because somebody who smokes weed is not going to need it like somebody who snorts coke. It’s just not in any way addictive like that. Nobody is going to mug somebody else because they’re killing for a nickle ($5 dollars worth of weed). However, you probably could get mugged by somebody because they need their fix of crack.

In my eyes, people who reject marijuana users are just plain tools that they think they have a duty to protect a society that knows more than them. If you people want my advice, go educate yourself and stop letting yourself be influenced by all of that propaganda you thought was the truth.
You really said health concerns? Really? Obviously completely ignored my post.

And yea I’m sure it way to painful for you to try and read something about a plant that is in the process of getting LEGALIZED. Prick.
Oh and I don’t care if you don’t feel like reading my super-post just so long as you don’t say something as stupid as “health concerns?”
to Kris,

I don’t know what that guy was smoking, but it wasn’t weed, I can tell you that. Not even mushies would made you suddenly come down to find yourself surrounded by guns. Sounds more like he was smoking some wet, which is weed dipped in PCP.


  1. zimstar says:

    health concerns?

  2. K Okaku says:

    I’m not gonna read all that but because it is illegal

  3. Joe says:

    I ain’t reading all that.
    But I agree, there’s nothing wrong with marijuana.
    It amazes me how some people can think nothing of alcohol and tobacco, which kill tens of thousands of people each year, yet they get all fussy about marijuana which has never killed a single person.

  4. Baba Yaga says:

    I think a lot of people are against it for the simple fact that they love humanity. They want humans to aspire to be a pure, clear-minded species, free of mind-altering substances. They want to become higher beings by the sheer power of the mind. I see nothing wrong with that.

    P.S. Cannabis FTW!

  5. Jasper Collins says:

    Well, back in the 30’s, some guy ran a campaign against hemp, because it was heavy competition in the rope business. That ended up getting marijuana illegalized. You know the government would do anything to show that what they are are doing is always correct, so they made up false research proclaiming health hazards, when there was nothing hazardous. But now, in present day, the government funds all this protection against marijuana, which is a huge waste of tax money, when there is no harm being done. All the people who look down upon use of marijuana are the people that the government’s has convinced to believe them.

  6. Jean G says:

    read it. its a good argument and makes perfect sense, but sadly nobody in the government will legalize it because of the negative feedback they’ll get from the public.

  7. Keary says:

    I agree mary jane is nature’s drug. Although i don’t smoke as often as I used to it does help to relax and destress. Maybe if they did legalize it everyone would be more laid back and forget what they were mad about. Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t pot make you happy? I get the giggles so bad whenever I do it. I don’t know why the gov. doesn’t legalize it cuz you know if they put a tax on that shit they would be raking in the dough! Hell the indians were smoking it its all-natural. “God made pot mad made beer who do you trust?” is so true. It is literally a plant that grows out of the ground and we dry it up and smoke it. Yet tobacco companies can put rat poison in cigarettes and THAT is legal?! And have you ever seen an unhappy Jamaican mon? Bob Marley rules!

  8. cannibal one says:

    don,t worry in about 5-7 years it will be legal.alcohol kills 10.000 a year just in car crashes,so when the government finds out all the money to be made,bingo,many years ago .i smoked an oz, a week.no problem.so.fuck these people.in society the only way to show power to cover up for no self esteem is to deny people the right to do as THEY CHOOSE in the privacy of their own homes,i have that blows that shit all to hell so goodnight,byeeee i edited myself and heck with the spelling i,m not in school

  9. Kris says:

    I’m not going to read the rant. Sorry, but I don’t have the time to do that.

    As to your question I’ll say this: I don’t smoke pot. Never have and never will. I like my head clear. But I do support its legalization for many reasons. Chief among those reasons is one related to the answer to your question. People supported it being outlawed in the first place because there was a stereotype at the time that Mexicans would get high and go on a rampage. Obviously there was no truth to this, but since when does truth have anything to do with the law?

    Anyway the reason people look down on pot smokers today is, like then, a false stereotype. To be fair there is probably more truth to the stereotype today than there was to the original one, but it’s still false. The government has a vested interest in maintaining that stereotype (how far could they carry their war on drugs if pot were made legal?)

    One point I will say in playing devil’s advocate: I know a guy who was seriously screwed up by pot. He quit because he came down off a high surrounded in guns and realized that if anyone had come down the stairs he’d have shot them before he knew who they were. You see this guy got uber paranoid when he was on pot. Dangerously so. Once he realized that he walked away from it and never looked back. I realize that kind of reaction is rare (even less common than the violent drunk probably), but those kinds of cases are out there.

  10. ERR0R says:

    Weed = recreational drug = bad

    That’s the mindset weed haters generally have. Personally I don’t see anything wrong with legalizing weed. It’s kinda like gay marriage, it won’t harm anything and if you don’t like it then don’t do it.

  11. Ene says:

    Definitely a great issue to discuss
    I think that folks are against pot/recreational drugs in general because society bases a lot of its laws/rules on morals. Not everyone lives by the same morals/beliefs/values.

    Think about this: Prohibition was set in place because of all the immoral behavior that accompanied/surrounded it. Why was prohibition lifted/removed?? to make a long explanation short, the government needed the money.

    Personally, I have never tried any type of illegal drugs, but I believe, to each his own as long as they are not directly malicious or trying to hurt others.

    Numerous gangs and Drug Cartel exist because the blackmarket for illegal drugs/guns/prostitution brings in LOTS of money. I think a lot of these “moral” laws should be lifted. By doing so, Gangs and Cartel begin to lose their power and funding.

    As for long term consequences of using pot, based on my Substance abuse class in Grad school(psychology), chronic use of it. Weed affects short term memory. Chronic use of pot may lead to Amotivational syndrome(this only applies to pot addicts, not for those who use it occasionally). Diminished motivation, impaired ability to learn, and school and family problems in some adolescents who are chronic, heavy marijuana smokers (constant state of intoxication). And not to mention that it is a gateway substance.

    but in the end someone will do what they want to do, whether or not it is legal. so….live and let live…

  12. Russell Mania says:

    I believe their is nothing wrong with smoking pot. I have been smoking only 4 years and don’t find it addicting at all, physically or mentally. I only smoke about 2-3 times a months and never alone. For me its a social drug, boring to do by myself, can’t even enjoy it. Now I do smoke cigarettes, and I can tell you, wish I would have never picked up that habit. Since I picked up that habit, I have a smoking caugh that is pernament and won’t go away, very bad cough. Tried patchs and laser treatment, and still have a physical addiction. So yeah, most people are brain washed by the media, schools, law enforcement, etc.
