When You Get A Text From An Unknown Number

Cannabis Veg & Flower room update
February 3, 2015
Make Friends with your Enemas : Marijana Method Ep6 – Food
February 3, 2015

Who is this?? Check out more awesome BuzzFeedYellow videos! FEATURING Zack Evans Justin Tan MUSIC The Girl Got Away/Put Your H…


  1. AndrewProductionsTV says:

    A funny thing to do would be to text random numbers with “I got the live
    bees you sent, they’ll do nicely”

  2. Alex Rodriguez says:

    I used to be first


  3. Midnight Snacks says:

    once i was reaaal bored and someone texted me, i played along. apparently
    “we” hadn’t chatted in a while
    a few times she thought I was someone else by asking “test” questions but I
    just played along anyways like nothing was wrong heh it worked

    well i didn’t want it to go too long she seemed to start getting a lil hurt
    or angry cause i wasn’t giving any personal info but she apparently wanted
    to get back in contact to get some weeds and stuff. it’s fun when strangers
    send you text messages

  4. shaytards life says:

    Last year at school,I was with my friend and she got a text from an unknown
    number. (At the time we were 12) she opened it and it said “hey baby you
    lie girls or guys?

  5. BuzzFeedYellow says:
  6. Shelly Chuong says:

    “Here’s your coffee”
    “When’s the schedule with your mom?”
    “and I got a new number”

    “I don’t care you need to go!”
    when Justin leaves, he still sips the coffee..


  7. David J. McGee says:

    Is there some reason dude sent him a winky face?

  8. Cansu Oder says:

    Haha I had to watch it one more time after knowing who that unknown person
    was 😀 way too funny.

  9. Trevor Philips says:

    I subscribed to this? Wow, what a night last night must have been.

  10. Liya Kitten says:

    I got a flirty txt thinking it was a nice young man I met once out
    shopping… and it ended up being my mom’s OLD sleazy bf… but b4 I knew
    who it was i sent a flirty response back… fml.

  11. RO Mygod says:

    If you can say this loud without getting your tongue twisted, you are a PRO:

  12. Rose Gleek says:

    The title should be getting a text from someone you dont know…because an
    unknown number could still be someone you know but they changed their
    number or you lost their number. However in this instance she sent him a
    pic so he knows who it is he just doesn’t know the person…JS

  13. Cece Pink says:

    One time a random number texted me
    and said “Babe I’m pregnant”, so I just played along
    and said “Honey we have to talk…I’m breaking up with you”.Lol she was

  14. Benny Tran says:

    I hate it when people talk to themselves.

  15. Leah Nicole says:

    Was I the only one who knew it would be Justin he was texting? 

  16. Jelena Loves Steven ❤ says:

    Lol this is so funny 😀 

  17. Abril Carmona says:

    The ending though…

  18. Pump for Lotion says:

    Oh gawwwwd. The things i would do to Zack. I would spread his legs like
    peanut butter and jelly.
    Open those legs wide, putting his ankles next to his ears. And then rub
    Nutella on those buttcheeks.

    #No homo.

  19. Dominic Bennett says:

    When the guy replied back I was like literally me. No but I am always on my
    phone like 24/7

  20. Sasha * says:

    A lot of stuff happened while I watched this video , my laptop got shutdown
    bc of low battery at like 2:23 and I had to search the entire room for my
    charger , I finally found it and plugged it in and waited till the lap is
    on, loaded this video and then BAAM! it was Justin! I laughed so hard….
    Im dying. aahaha

  21. Kit Kat says:

    I love people who text back instantly

  22. 9beccabrown9 says:

    I’m impressed buzzfeed. I give this a 10/10 because I actually laughed out

  23. stalkingself says:

    I got a picture of a parrot once and the guy wrote, “I have a crazy story
    about this guy, Jake!” I wrote back, “Wrong number, but what’s the deal
    w/the parrot?” Never got a response :(

  24. Christine Li says:

    And that guy doesn’t realize the Starbucks coffee…

    This video was actually funny… Actually

  25. EllieIsProbablyLying says:

    Wait hang on 19 comments what is this whats happening omg 

  26. Armilla Posadas says:

    Couldn’t fit the pieces together, eh?

  27. Sarahnessoyeah says:

    “When you get a text?” What’s that like?

  28. Cazz d'Ivoire says:

    When an unknown number messages me I just respond in Italian

  29. JeidoCupcake! says:

    I never get texts or text people tiz too expensive 

  30. Pump for Lotion says:

    Text: *”Send me some more nude pics mom”*, to a random number.
    And see how the person reacts.

  31. Adam West says:

    One time I was in a tough situation where I had to put a message in a
    bottle and have an unknown person receive it. I was in a spooky mansion at
    the time. I was beginning to suspect that, that odd picture of a candle was
    having sick thoughts of some sort. Later we heard a loud scream coming from
    one of the hallways, everyone rushed to find Muriel’s dead body and mo
    known killer. In my head I thought: “It must’ve been that suspicious
    picture of a candle!”. While everyone was distracted by arguing about who
    the killer might be. I was one step ahead of everyone by meeting the killer
    face-to-face in a lonely room. I tried to make that picture of a candle
    confess by giving it angry looks and asking: “Why did you do it!?”. But the
    picture of a candle wouldn’t speak up, so I had to act mean! I tried
    torturing the picture of a candle by choking it, drowning it, and beating
    it. It still wouldn’t confess, so it led me to no choice but to electrocute
    it! I tried to convince it to confess before I electrocute it. And yet
    again, it didn’t, so I began to electrocute it leaving burn marks all over
    the picture of a candle that soon led to sparks and soon enough it caught
    on fire! I tried beating up the fire to scare the fire away, but it
    wouldn’t budge. The fire soon spread around the room. I thought the whole
    mansion was going to burn down, bu it didn’t and miraculously lit the fire
    place and the fire trail soon burned out. The suspect was dead, and it is
    now where it belongs: In hell! When I went back to the group they had
    handcuffed Tom Tucker who everyone thought was the killer. I tried to tell
    everyone that they’ve got the wrong person until we heard another scream
    coming from the hallway. I thought this could only mean one thing: The
    picture of a candle has resurrected into the picture of mountains right
    beside it, and then decided to kill another person! But long story short,
    the killer turned out to be Diane Simmons who was later killed by that odd
    looking baby. I payed my respects to the picture of a candle by buying a
    candle for decoration. Farewell picture of a candle, farewell!

  32. Hannah R says:

    Haha once I got a text from a random number saying “hi, hannah?” I said
    “no, it’s mackenzie” because i thought it was a friend, but it turned out
    to be my friend’s mother. It doesn’t sound that bad but she was really
    angry about it :/

  33. DanielS says:

    Pump The Breaks Chica. hahaha

  34. corey bitterling says:

    If you can say these 4 words fast without getting tongue tied, you are a

  35. Mae Raindrops says:

    If you can say these 4 words fast without getting tongue tied, you are a

  36. Master Fro says:

    This investigation agency keeps calling me from Georgia and leaving me a
    voicemail some dude I have never heard of. I live in Hawaii and have never
    been to Georgia so I have no idea how they got my number. So I finally
    decided to call the agency and ask them why they’re are calling me. A guy
    picked up and I asked him why he is calling about the guy but for some
    reason he thought I was prank calling and was immediately hostile. I have
    studied a little bit of law and so I came back with how the agency us
    harassing a minor (I’m 16) and so he said he’d remove me from the list of
    numbers he calls. Well guess what… They’re calling me again 

  37. Merna O.O says:

    Well that escalated quickly.. 

  38. Edgar Cortez says:

    Hey let’s make a comment chain story, I’ll fi first

    Once there a man who lived under a bridge


  39. Kim Iibit says:

    Who is the girl with zach and justin???

  40. Yujing Zou says:

    Justin:” okay! Here’s your coffee, let’s reschedule with your mom, and… I
    got a new number…

  41. Malachi Marriott says:

    If it was his friend, wouldn’t he have mentioned that he got a new number?

  42. Iustin Niculae says:

    No comments on this video… Is this a bug or am I the first?

  43. Jeremy Pooran says:

    at least there were pictures, not someone claiming to be carrying your baby

  44. jamviral says:

    Heres 2 facts i know about you:
    1) you rewatched the video after
    2) You think im a prick for writing this

  45. Olivia A. says:

    Hahahaha nice ending. 

  46. pwnagenuss says:

    Only a dumb american would forget having sex

  47. Ryan Harries says:

    I’ll save the number and go on whatsapp to find out what they look like

  48. Isabella Celeste says:

    Some twat texted me today “I would love to sniff your farts.” 

  49. Letty D says:

