Norm Macdonald & Tom Green | Norm Macdonald Live | Video Podcast Network

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Norm Macdonald & Tom Green | Norm Macdonald Live | Video Podcast NetworkSUBSCRIBE TO NORM at: Watch Norm EVERY MONDAY. Comedian Tom Green joins Norm Macdonald and Adam Eget for their sophomore…


  1. schnickstudios says:

    That douchebag’s pretty cool

  2. LocoZiLLo says:

    Next guest: O.J Simpson

  3. allowmetointroducems says:

    This Adam guy really takes away from the show. He almost sucks the life out of it. Completely. I would suggest that you change the set again for the next episode, by removing him from it. Possibly replacing him with a piece of dog shit.

  4. sebastien3553 says:

    good show dont give up

  5. shlomo ohana says:

    ya just gotta  love the norm

  6. funforalgernon says:

    Did Norm lose a bunch of weight since the first episode? He looks a lot better here.

  7. kingjappyjoe420 says:

    everybody knows norm doesnt like pre stuff

  8. TheFrogJesus says:

    I don’t care about this douches life story!

  9. Matika says:

    I cant wait to see conan as a guest! thats gonna be gold. keep it up guys! Where is the giant lady with the gaint vagina and why does she left her used douche on the set?

  10. Myspacegigolo says:

    “He is talking about you” lls Norm’s delivery is always on point!

  11. JOSH ZED says:

    I had know idea this existed until I randomly was looking up pod casts. Norm MacDonald is hilarious and I am glad this exists. I don’t know who other guy is though. 

  12. intrepidwilliam says:

    Thanks Norm, Tom, Douche bag, everyone else on this wavelength

  13. Al Clark says:

    Who is a more annoying newsperson Adam Eget or Robin Quivers?

  14. jay mill says:

    that wallpaper background needs to go

  15. Secretservicedentist says:

    Adam, you can’t let the haters get you down, you’re worth at least 25$ a man!

  16. jospi2 says:

    Upvote if you want the new Pope as the next guest.

  17. ironpirites says:

    This is great. I’m at the 19 minute mark and finally a show that promotes smoking. Maybe the pendulum is swinging back.

  18. DoDogaTz says:

    Norms cheeks are so puffy…

  19. LocoZiLLo says:

    you stole my post you dirty thief…

  20. fenderguitar1975 says:

    what a douchebag that guy is, Norm where did you get this douche?

  21. ironpirites says:

    I’m just 4 minutes into the podcast and I hate “pre-stuff” too. Was the first four minutes the douche bag’s idea? I’m looking backward to the Super Dave podcast, since I haven’t seen that podcast yet. Tom Green should be great and like some others I hope you get Artie Lange on. Don’t, whatever you do, get rid of the douche bag. I don’t care how awful, lame and embarrassing it becomes. Keep the douche bag. I can hardly wait to see what the next bit will be. Thanks Norm. Thanks douche, . uh, Adam.

  22. DemaioNZ says:

    sure is right, i know alot of people who think it is fake. Listen to this, it’s way easier than i thought do a few surveys and boom a few $100 extra in your bank every week. i got it from here. you can also try it:

  23. bcs2tuff says:

    First 6 minutes are gold

  24. Tom Cruise says:

    Can we try to silence the laughter in the background? The podcast is great but that is annoying as fuck.

  25. foxpawz says:

    this is the best discovery ive made on Youtube. Been a Norm fan since his SNL update days and he has been one of my fav comics ever since.

  26. lunaspite says:

    Please, Robin is like cancer on my dick.

  27. wodiya breshnev says:

    Yeah, a huge improvement from the first episode.

  28. wodiya breshnev says:

    No, I think that’s great and makes the show more lively. Maybe the laughter should be lowered on the audio podcast on iTunes.

  29. deceiver123m says:

    Keep the douche… makes things 10 times better. Good work douche.

  30. Terry Wolfe says:

    This is literally so funny that I’m afraid to laugh because I’ll miss the next really funny thing! Pitch-perfect tone, awesome guests, excellent format, and although I think that unfunny monotone douchebag Egret destroys most of the humor when he speaks, at least he seems to be learning to stay quiet until spoken to!

  31. Dominic Patten says:

    Is this whole show just a vehicle to haze Adam Eget? lol he’s a really good sport. Awesome show.

  32. GOODE FELLA says:

    lose those shitty fan submitted “jokes” they were fucking terrible your comedians do your own! the rest was spot on

  33. kingjappyjoe420 says:

    is the douchebag still gna be here for podcast 3?

  34. TheBigFuckinLebowski says:

    Wow! Tom Green looks more and more like Mike Nesmith of the Monkees!

  35. lunaspite says:

    Love Norm, can never get enough of him. Can’t wait for the next episode.

  36. Delmer7 says:

    I’m ;loving the joke segment. Please keep it. The first five minutes of this show proves how great this show can be. Good work folks. Good work.

  37. Chrisnolan06 says:

    48:30 is best

  38. foxpawz says:

    p.s. the douchebag is not so bad.

  39. fepet says:

    You can tell that the cameraman starts laughing. Norm the legend

  40. TheJelectrician says:

    Excellent. Norm is a genius.

  41. PFB1994 says:

    Love everything, except Adam Eget doing the jokes. Those jokes would have been fantastic with Norm’s delivery.

  42. todd mccormick says:

    I want toI

  43. starvinmarvin44 says:

    adam is eric wareheim with down syndrome

  44. Al Clark says:

    problem is he is an asshole

  45. SnickleFritzMcJame says:

    Thumbs up if you smoked a cigarette @ 12:55

  46. Al Clark says:

    The douchebag drives Norm around.

  47. teenage frank says:

    holy shit, it got even better. adam eget works. every group needs someone to pick on. luckily norm has great chemistry with this douche bag… the co-host has to be flawed. keep up the great work.

  48. Zack Taylor says:

    Smart by them to make Egbert the asshole; instantly makes him more likeable.
