Eriese Tisdale Arrest 2 Years Before Fatally Shooting Cop (Unedited)

OMMP garden veg room
March 16, 2013
Part 6 Solar Room Greenhouse Addition
March 17, 2013

Eriese Tisdale Arrest 2 Years Before Fatally Shooting Cop (Unedited)Two-and-a-half years before Eriese Tisdale is alleged to have shot and killed St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Gary Morales, Tisdale was pulled over by…


  1. InFIrmCloWn says:

    I liked this video because it allows us the public a view unto a person that normally only a law official would have.

  2. InFIrmCloWn says:

    The funniest thing about this video is do you think he will ask for his mommy as they strap his dumb ass into old Sparky.
