Organic Vs. Synthetic – Growing Plants with Rick Weller of Organically Done Part 1

Growing with Organic Nutrients, Compost Tea and starting your own Compost pit. In this video, Rick Weller from Organically Done Nutrients breaks down how to grow organically and the benefits…


  1. machippy says:

    some synthetic nutrients can be tasted Organic is the best way 

  2. GrowGreenerGuru says:

    To view the bacteria mentioned at 15:30, please find the link in the
    description section.

  3. GrowGreenerGuru says:
Nay’s Girl’s Grow FOR THE TOTAL WIN! Enjoy #trendys!!
October 27, 2014
LIVE! Tour Indoor Grow & Haunted Daboween Hallway!!
October 27, 2014