how to get michigan medical marihuana The Green Rush is Here
May 16, 2013
Blue Dragon Weed Strain
May 17, 2013

LSP#9Day 9! Whats up with me and accidents, I include my fail after the vid. Our SoCal girl is looking so gorgeous, today we provide her with more lumens. 😀 Tha…


  1. S Pe says:

    first guy to comment nice

  2. jeremy jones says:

    How long you leave the light on your plant

  3. uc1proudmom says:

    What’s a lumin?

  4. FaTxNiNja says:

    i think he’s on 18hours on 6 off now man maybe 24 on 🙂

  5. Clayton Gogo says:

    ive got mine in a window sill with light on it all day is that good enouth ?

  6. Clayton Gogo says:

    mine are the same age too

  7. Drake Polard says:

    Yo my dude hook it up with some kush seeds!!.

  8. John Smith says:

    Great vids as always man! day 43 flower tommorrw 🙂

  9. Canadastoners says:


  10. kevin ortiz says:

    whats your favorite strains to grow?

  11. sk8LakeStevens says:

    yes i’v done the same a light will work better though

  12. smileyboy117 says:

    Nice vids dude the lone seed project is awesome and keep on growing.(:

  13. bbp łełe says:

    more light more yield
