How To Maximize Your Garden Yields – Maximizing Plant Grow – Harley Smith Grow Class

making more Green Crack clones
April 25, 2015
Dabaconda Dab FAIL and Winners Re-Uploaded
April 26, 2015

Learn how to maximize your garden yields with Harley Smith’s simple techniques! In this 2 hour tutorial, we’re going to look at how to work WITH nature to optimize your plants performance!…


  1. Mark Thompson says:

    Thanks +GrowGreenerGuru good vibes;) GROWHAPPY;)

  2. Cannabinol Connoisseur says:

    Thank you for posting these, Harley is just full of useful knowledge!

  3. slum erican says:

    Yo sweet ive been lookin for some classes like this around mi… u never
    can have enough info… 

  4. lowrider94ss says:

    Perfect timing for a long vid i got some time to kill thanks ggg

  5. Dank Boy'z says:

    Thax Dr.B!

  6. GrowGreenerGuru says:
  7. Lauris Marchs says:

    thank you

  8. Thomas Alexande says:

    Can someone summarize this nearly 2 hour clip in a few sentences ????

  9. intimid8rkid says:

    Good stuff!! 
