DabChat: Talking CBD, THC, Terpenes and more….

trees – Mon Jan 26 00:09:07 EST 2015
January 26, 2015
January 26, 2015

This is a random chat with my buddy. We just let the camera roll, then I throw together a few clips. Truth is, it’s usually a couple hours long so I try and edit it down to the cherry parts…but…


  1. Plant DeGarden says:
  2. Plant DeGarden says:

    4:05 says it all…lol. 5:36 ended up being pretty cool, when I disappear
    and traveler is chillin’….
    This video won’t be very entertaining to anyone but traveler and I, but I
    upload anyway 🙂

  3. TheJennRogue says:

    Hey Rainbow Carpo & travelling man
    That dog cutie pie
