The Jamaican Drug Police

Would you be offended if someone called you immature because you smoke weed?
September 6, 2010
What would you do if you found a marijuana grow room?
September 6, 2010
thetruthergirls asked:

Officer Irie visits Mr Jones regarding his drug use. Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to promote the use of drugs, dope, pot,or marijuana and does not endorse Jamaica, the police or bribery.


  1. teasnax says:

    hahahaha ~ dat was grehhhhhhht, mon! me enjoyed how de man layed pon the po “blood/ras[was there a bomba?] clot” every time!

  2. GrizzlyFist says:

    lol awesome video, nice accent

  3. juliocesar24 says:

    Buffalo Soldier of Conspiracy.

  4. LouieRocks88 says:

    Awesome! 5/5

  5. Tressco says:

    Nice 1!

  6. ducky923 says:

    Whats stopping you from going on auditions for movies and stuff? You can do mad good accents and act and everything. WHats stopping you?

  7. 8Anya8 says:

    LAMO Aaron is to funny.hahahahahahaha

  8. rennnsymbol says:

    lol, sounds like you have practice that accent a little.

  9. alowlyapprentice says:

    I’m not high just a little keyboard dyslexic.

  10. alowlyapprentice says:

    LMAO! I am soooo putting posting this on FaceBook. You are too much. Tooooo frig’n much.

  11. DWest174 says:

    LoL I wish more women were cool like you.

  12. vickyspit says:

    Yay for us Germans.

    So I believe most things are ok in moderation, I have to say sadly that everyone i know who smokes this stuff has become totally addicted. 1 friend is paranoid and cannot sleep w/o it, another is completely paranoid and twitchy all the time, and other people I know smoke it every single day at work before 11am. Sounds desperate and addicted.

  13. Changeling9au says:

    Not to mention the brilliant comedians, and let’s not forget the BMW (Bong Mix Woooh) Chuffa car or the Blowpunked range of Dizzyvisions.

    But now this is just getting silly, isn’t it….


  14. thetruthergirls says:

    With all the brilliant musicians, philosophers, etc that have come out of Germany, I think it’s time people start associating that country with something a little more positive.

    For starters, the famous fashion model, Claudia KIFFER.

  15. HumanSayNo says:

    Good shit, free the weed!

  16. Changeling9au says:

    “lol, sorry, I AM german.”

    One bong! One mix! One Volkswagen Kombi!
    – Adolph SmokeShitler, 1933, Parallel Dimension Germany.


  17. thetruthergirls says:

    lol, sorry, I AM german. Try to focus on the concept, heh heh

  18. bravehartmman says:

    As someone who lived in Jamaica i find this video real annoying mainly because you sound GERMAN not Jamaican ! next time brush up on the accent 1st !

  19. luwdmke says:

    Good one you guy’s LOL and don’t forget to drink your manish water.

  20. RobbieLennox says:

    she looks so hot as a black guy

  21. greenback001 says:

    I’m not a weed smoker but all the friends of mine who do smoke are much cooler than the ones who don’t. Go figure.

  22. KevinCali24 says:

    my roommate smokes weed a lot and I love the smell of it. I used to smoke but I quit because I started getting paranoid.
