$600000 Marijuana Bust in Princeton, KY

Legal Prop 215 Medical Marijuana Growing | 2009 White Widow and Agent Orange Harvest The Attitude
September 27, 2010
should we legalize all drugs or just cannabis,what do you think?
September 27, 2010
unemployedfarmer asked:

PRINCETON, KY- Holding a short stack of snapshots, Assistant Police Chief Rocky Howton thumbs through pictures of a weekend bust. The photographs show not just marijuana plants but the Miracle Grow, fertilizer, and water hoses, Police say Bruce Stallins, 53, used to help the plants grow. Officer Abigail Tucker is the officer responsible for the bust. She wasn’t patrolling, she was on a break- visiting her granddaughter at the house next door. She peeked into the neighbor’s yard on Dawson Road and something caught her eye. “I thought maybe we had five plants,” she remembered thinking. The veteran officer took a closer look, turns out, there weren’t five plants, there were over five hundred. “I called my supervisor back and advised him what we really had and I think at that point everybody got a little excited,” she said. Shortly after seven on Saturday night, officers ended up seizing $6000 in cash, two guns, marijuana seeds, some packaged marijuana and 592 plants. The plants were just a few inches tall and Howton says they busted Stallins at just the right time. “He was getting ready to plant them in a field somewhere, then they’d be harvested, processed, and put back on the street,” he said. And while Tucker had to cut short that visit with her granddaughter, she says, it was well worth it. “I wouldn’t want that around my grandchildren, my children and I don’t think anyone else would either.” Bruce Stallins was booked in the Caldwell County Jail Saturday night. He bonded


  1. zombiegangstasamurai says:

    fat dumb redneck pigs probably drink whisky and beat theyre wives

  2. zombiegangstasamurai says:


  3. FreshAsHell says:

    take those cops tie them to a chair stick a 45 in there mouth and blow the teeth out of the back of there neck

    weed is safer this cigs and beer thats a fact

  4. commandyou says:

    @coopz7777777 That’s really not true. Plants know how to use the chemicals in the soil to make simple sugars. Just because the soil might be deadly to humans doesn’t mean it’s harming the plant. The plant turns the chemicals into sugars that it uses so when you are smoking weed you are smoking the sugars that came from Miracle Grow but it isn’t the same as who tries to smoke Miracle Grow.

  5. commandyou says:

    @Chelle976 Even more reason that weed should be legal. People aren’t going to stop smoking weed just because it’s against the law and the drug lords are making tons of money and people are dying because of it. So why shouldn’t it be legal so that all those problems go away.

  6. zieglerjj says:

    its just weeeeed lol damn it grows naturally!!

  7. fuzznuts16 says:

    miracle grow lol…ya that sounds serious hahaha…and those plants are small…those are seedling

  8. xavier0delmaire says:

    it prolly took the cops so long to haul off the evidence cause they were smokin so much of it!

  9. ThatsBolognaSausage says:

    Marijuana is an herb, not a drug!

  10. TheAxlrose103 says:

    well miracle gro isnt good for cannabis anyways too much sodium

  11. MrThetruthsucks says:

    Someone please… Shoot that pig in the head!

  12. JohnHandleCock says:

    OMG!!!!! Water hoses!!!!!! lol

  13. DanJVintage says:

    Not only did they find pot and seeds…. but MIRACLE GROW, SOIL AND HOSES !! wow. terrible newscast.

  14. Gloc1337 says:

    i wouldnt want that around my children, and i dont think anybody else would either?

    suck my dick u faggot pig.
    legalize it.

  15. Elina2daDenwa says:


  16. jgmtiger says:

    by wonderd over and “noticed” them she was being nosey tresspassed into his property and looked in his yard so no she needs to be arrested

  17. GetMurked88 says:

    hey mousy dumb fuck cunt sheriff GO BUST A METH LAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!stupid bitch. plus mirical grow sucks for growing since it has way to much nitrogen for flowering but good for vegatative isn’t that right pork eating rocky ass fucking homo howton!??!XDXDXD what a pathetic looking slobby fat ugly looking motherfuckerXDXD mr.rocky howton looks like a actual pig on steroids and over feedXDXDXD but jesus christ this video is rediculous and blown way over perportion. marijuana this year killed 0!!lol

  18. dynaski27 says:

    that guy was a stupid bumpkin but they did fuck him for sure, seedlings?! What the Fuck!

  19. crazy4ryro says:

    too bad that she’s kinda a bitch… lolz

  20. dski1 says:

    i think the reason they wont legalize weed is because they know people will be able to make money tax free.

  21. Potandthekettle says:

    @megwilson14 How is that funny? What joke am I missing here?

  22. unemployedfarmer says:

    Marijuana is safer than aspirin! It’s safer than pretty much any prescription drug. Our politicians are total douchebags for not legalizing it!

  23. crashtest06 says:

    Marijuana isn’t a big issue and to the people who think it’s a gateway drug it all depends on your personality if u have an addictive one then yes ur going to seek sumthin stronger it all has to with ur mental status good job cops u caught a pot head and u let the rapist get away wit it yea real smart society sucks

  24. crashtest06 says:

    Wow I swear cops smoke up every time they make a bust they make it seem like bud is the worst thing ever omg shoot get down he’s got marijuana what a criminal he should be locked up for life no worse death sentance for havin some fun in this messed up world we live in the blonde cop even looked high during the interview
